𑁍Chapter 38𑁍

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"Ryujin!" Yuna called my name. "Stand up there, I'll take a photo of you."

We are now at one of the world's most famous landmarks.

I did as she said, and she took a picture of me. She rushes over to me and gives me a warm hug.

We are now outside, walking around the Eiffel Tower... It is just the two of us, but I know Yeji, Lia, and Chaeryeong also went outside.

That is why we have decided to go for a walk now, as we will be returning in three days. I still have not told her why, but she agreed.

I want us to talk to Kai so that we can move forward without having to overthink things. You know it's hard to start a new life if there will be an abandoned problem in the past.

I thought about it all night and knew I had made the right decision.

We must settle and end this.

I sense a warm hand in mine. "What are you thinking, honey? You have been so off since yesterday. What's wrong?"

"Nothing Yuna, I am just afraid to go back there."

"Me, too! But remember, our lives are in there. We can not just keep running.

"Is it okay for you to go back there?"

"Yes! If you are still worried about him. You do not need to... I know he is doing the right thing now... And to be honest. I am ready to talk to him, forgive him, and ask for forgiveness. I know I have hurt him a lot by choosing you over him."

We are now in the park and have settled down on a bench for a while. I looked around, and thankfully it was just the two of us. Well, this is kind of dark, but it is not scary.

"Kai was my ultimate crush before...He is a good guy. He just changes when he becomes jealous of you..." Yuna stated that makes me look at her.

"Back when we were still together. He is very caring and loving. He always made me feel like I was the most beautiful girl in the world. Despite his busy schedule of studying and training for their company, he always makes time for me to bond. He stated that he can not imagine not seeing me every day. He is clingy, but it is not suffocating. He is the type of man who always surprises you, and you will be amazed by his efforts... I am not sure what happened or why he became like that."

"Because of me," I muttered.

After of what she stated. The realization hits me...

I reached into her cheeks and wiped away the tears that were still rolling down. "I ruined him for choosing you, Ryujin..."

I shook my head and looked into her eyes. "No, honey, I did it," I said with a bitter smile.

That's true, I'm the one who should be blamed here. Since the beginning. I keep intruding into their love story. I am incredibly selfish... I did not think about what I did before because all I wanted at the time was Yuna, and I succeeded.

I clenched my teeth. I am so mad at myself right now. What have I done?

"It is already happened... Let us just apologize to him," Yuna said, looking like she was about to cry again.

"Hmm," I hummed and pulled her in for a hug, burying her face in my neck. Her hot tears keep falling.

I stroked her back to calm her down. I looked above and watched the sky shine.

"I apologize Kai for stealing Yuna. If I just stopped loving her while she was with you. I am confident you will remain the same person Yuna described. I am pretty sure you are still happy together. I apologize for ruining you and your relationship with her."

I said in my head. I am so foolish and selfish. I thought what I had done was acceptable because I was simply loving someone. I had not realized everything. I am so blindly in love with her.

Now I regret everything I have done, but I do not regret Yuna becoming mine.

But it is just so wrong... I knew it was all wrong.

I slowly removed her hug and held her shoulders before staring at her intently.

What if this was the best decision for us?

"Y-Yuna," my voice cracked as I called her name. I can't handle my emotions anymore, I also started crying.

"Ryujin, what is wrong?" She asked and was about to reach for my face, but I shook my head.


I smile at her sadly.

"I realized that... Maybe the best thing to do is... I return you to him?" I said, head hung low.

"What?!" She yelled. "Ryujin, what are you talking about?"

"Yuna! You must return to him. I believe it is for the best of us. For the benefit of you and Kai. I apologize for ruining you and Kai."

"I do not get why you are saying that, Ryujin!"

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked up to keep the tears from falling.

"Everything started when I kept bugging and flirting with you despite knowing you were already with him! I know everything, and he was your first love!"

She does not say anything and just looks at me. Her eyes convey confusion and anger.

"I realized everything when you told me about him! For sure, I am the reason he became obsessed with you because he is afraid of losing you, which happened because I am so selfish and childish!"

"Stop!" She shouted and cried again... "No, Ryujin, I have already chosen you! I don't want to get back anymore to him. I want to be with you!"

"Yuna, he really needs you!"

Kai needs Yuna.

"But you are the one I need, Ryujin! Pls, don't push me back to go to him. I have already made a decision..."

"I love you, Ryujin," she said, hugging me tight.

I am not sure anymore...

I am removing her hug from me, but she refuses to let go of me. She hugged me tightly, making me cry even more.

"Yunaaa... You should go back to the person you truly belong with in the first place."

"Don't, Ryujin. Please... I am begging you. You did not steal me or anything. My heart has chosen you. Please, stop this."

"You're wrong! I made you choose me! You do not genuinely choose me. From the very beginning. You chose Kai! So you must return to him before it is too late, Yuna."

I finally stopped her from hugging me. I smiled at her and retrieved the letter from my pocket.

I hand her the letter and kiss her on the forehead and whisper something to her before I run away.

"I love you and I am sorry, Yuna."

My knees started to give way, so I leaned against the wall, covered my mouth, and closed my eyes tight. I can't control my emotions anymore. I allowed myself to break down...

"AHHHHHHH!" I yelled out everything that is going through my mind.

Good thing I didn't throw the letter...

I laughed bitterly...

The truth that I want her to be with him again is... I already know what was written in the letter. And it helps me realize that I am the one who ruined such a beautiful love story.

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