𑁍Chapter 21𑁍

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Yuna's POV

I am getting nervous right now. I forgot we were seatmates. Oh, that will be awkward for us.

Can I get slapped for being stupid? Why did I break up with her?

In my peripheral vision, I saw her arrive. I looked at her now, and she was simply walking towards me with a poker face. I started to feel more guilty.

She was about to sit beside me when Chaeryeong pulled her.

"Ah, what the hell are you doing? Why sit there? "After what you did to her," Chaeryeong said, shooting a dagger at me.

"But she is my seatmate, Chaery," she said, pouting.

"I do not care! "You will sit beside me," Chaeryeong said, dragging Ryujin.

"Fuck" I curse lowly. I knew it. I made a mistake.

Hey, you two! Could you please separate first? Chaeryeong exclaimed at the lovely couple.

"No way," Yeji yelled back, hugging Lia immediately. I hope everyone has a strong relationship.

Chaeryeong simply rolled her eyes. "I have no choice, Ryujin ah! Let us switch seats.

I gulped as Chaeryeong sat beside me.

"From now on, I do not want to see you near her? Do you understand me?" She spoke with a threat in her voice.

"Who are you to tell me this?"

"Would you want to die?"

"I am also your friend Chaeryeong! Why are you acting like that to me?"

"Because you have effin hurt my best friend!"

"You have no idea what is happening. So, stop intruding.

"Whatever!" Chaeryeong spoke and rolled her eyes.

I sighed.

Finally, Professor Son arrived, followed by Heejin and Kai.

Our class begins, and I can not concentrate. Chaeryeong is distracting me because she keeps tapping her fingers on the table and glancing at me.

What the hell?

I have not done anything bad for her! Or to anyone?

"What the hell do you want, Chaeryeong?"

"Nothing, I just want to protect my best friend from people like you," she said, pausing before looking at me. "Effing selfish"

"Okay then, I apologize!"

"Ms. Shin and Ms. Lee, what is the commotion?"

"Nothing, Prof," we said together. I looked at Chaeryeong and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing? Why it seems like you two are arguing?"

"We are cool, Prof. So," said then sighed.

I steal a glance at Chaeryeong, and she just rolls her eyes at me. She is getting on my nerves!

I massage my bridge nose and then take a deep breath. I really need to calm down.

"I want you to apologize to Ryujin, and then do not get too close to her," Chaeryeong said unexpectedly.

"Stop worrying about us, Chaeryeong unnie."

"No way!"

She is being overly protective of Ryujin. I simply ignored her and listened to the discussion.


Ryujin's POV

It is already noon, and we are walking home while I argue with Chaeryeong.

"You do not have to treat her badly!" I expressed my irritation.

"Yeah stupid!" Lia added, beating Chaeryeong's head.

"I really hate what your best friend did to my best friend!" Chaeryeong hit back at Lia.

"Let's just don't mind them. I am confident they can fix it, Ryujin. Lia said, looking at me.

Can we fix it? I thought to myself.

"Hmm," I simply hummed in response.

I am wondering where Yuna is right now. She is with whom? I have no idea where she is right now, and I need to calm myself down. I will ask Lia.

"But where is she staying right now?" I asked, and Yeji smirked at me.

Lia gave me a look and then smiled. She was about to speak up, but Chaeryeong huffed. "Why are you even asking Ryujin?" "Do not give a shit about her anymore."

I stopped on my track so they did too.

"What's the matter, Ryujin?" Yeji asked.

"Chaeryeong!!! It does not mean we are no longer in a relationship. You will continue to be like that to her. She is your friend as well! And we had an effin split yesterday, so stop what you are doing!" I huffed, gritting my teeth.

"I understand that you are just protecting me, but our problem is not yours, Chaeryeong. Stop interfering with us, okay?"

Chaeryeong scoffed and shook her head in disappointment.

"Okay," she said and walked away.

"Ara ara~ what is her problem?" Lia said, looking at Chaeryeong who was walking away from us.

"You want to know, babe?" Yeji smirked as she said this.

Lia nodded and clutched Yeji's arm.

I saw Yeji smirking and looking at my directions. "Because Chaeryeong like Ryujin."

Yeji's statement caught me off guard...

"What the fuck were you saying? We have been together for so long, and you know Chaeryeong and I are just best friends," I said, annoyed, as I resumed walking. She like me? That is not possible!

Yeji keeps laughing, and Lia tries to cover her mouth because she is attracting attention. "So, you were unaware. "Oh my goodness, you are so stupid!"

She is just making fun of me, right?

"Stfu! Never make jokes like that.

Yeji paused, and this time she looked serious. "Do you think I am joking? Ryujin, I knew how much pain she was in! And it is all because of you!"

Her revelation stunned me. Why did not I know about it? So I have been hurting her for a long time and have no idea! I have also hurt her recently! I am terrible.

"I don't understand! I assumed she was just being kind to me because it was in her nature.

"But she never treats us like she treats you."


"Ryujin, allow me to give you a brief explanation so you understand," Yeji said calmly this time.

We stopped in the park and sat on a bench.

I sighed. There is a lot going on in my head, and something bigger is being added right now! Ahhh please, someone helps! My brain is gonna explode!

"Spill it." Lia said then smile.

Yeji hummed in response while looking at me.

"This makes you understand," Yeji said, grinning.

"I know! Just shoot it!" I whined at her.

The two laughed at me.

"She was always there for you when you were rejected by Yuna. She is always there to lift your spirits when you are feeling down because of Yuna! Even in your previous relationships. She was very supportive of you despite the fact that she was already hurting inside. You did not notice everything because your mind was all about Yuna up until now, but in this case, no one is to blame because you simply love," Yeji said in a sad tone.

"I felt bad for Chaeryeong because she is both selfless and a masochist," she added.

I felt an arm around my shoulders. "Everything will be fine," Lia added to brighten my mood.

"I hope so."

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