Chapter 54: The End.

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2 months later

"Come back here! Why are you so fast? Wait don't fall over, that my most expensive makeup palette! IVY!"

"Sydney! You don't even like that palette so please shut up," Calla interrupted from behind me. I threw her a laugh; she rolled her eyes playfully. Sydney stopped chasing after Sky like a headless chicken and stood defeatedly in the kitchen. It wasn't long before her sulking face lit up with an idea – she opened the cupboard and pulled something out.

"Hey, Skylar, I have an idea. Give me the palette and you can have this whole chocolate bar."

"The hell she can; that's my chocolate, Sydney," Calla's voice rose from next to me once again. Calla skipped over to Sydney, stood behind her and snatched the chocolate right out her hand. My laugh echoed through the kitchen as Sydney effortlessly took the chocolate back, "I'll buy you a new one if it means that much to you," she bartered with Calla.

"Fine," Calla sighed, dragging out the end of the word. She came and stood back next to me, the smile now present on her face showing she was just messing.

"Skylar, come here."

Sky ran into the room.

"Just tell her I'll buy her a new palette if it matters that much," Jace recommended through the phone held to my ear. "No. This is way too funny."

"Hey, kid. You want this chocolate?" Sky nodded. "Give me the makeup then it's all yours."

Sky thought about it for a second, "I'm not that stupid, give the chocolate first then you'll get it back."

Sydney's head shifted to show me the utter shock on her face. Skylar was the smartest kid I knew.

"Fine. At the same time."

They traded items successfully, Sydney running off upstairs as soon as she got her makeup back.

"Did Sydney really just bribe a child with chocolate?" Lucas questioned as he entered the room. "Yeah, and it wasn't even hers to offer," Calla added before they both followed Sydney in going upstairs.

"You coming?" Calla sweetly asked Sky before she ventured off. Sky shook her head. I smiled gratefully at Calla.

It was nice seeing the interaction between Skylar and my friends, even if it was chaotic. Skylar had become like a little sister to me and knowing that everyone loved her as much as I do, that was the best feeling.

"You still there?"

I was so deep in thought I forgot I was on the phone, "Yes, I am. What were we talking about again?" Jace's contagious laugh answered. "I got distracted by the chaos." I admitted.

"We were talking about me picking you up at 6 tonight." I had no recollection of talking about anything like that.

"We were?"

"No, but we are now."

I rolled my eyes but my smile never faltered. "Mhm and where will you be taking me?"

"That, my love, is a secret." My love. Butterflies.

I ignored the way I felt inside at his choice of words, "Well, I need to know what to wear."

"Of course you do," Jace chuckled. "Umm whatever you want. You always look good." My smile grew bigger. I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted, "Actually, I have an idea for what you could wear. That's if you'd like the help."

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