Chapter 5: Advantageous creeps

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Thunderous music, the darkness covered with bright neon lights and the combined smells of alcohol and many hot, cramped bodies were the first things I noticed when we first entered the nightclub. Looking around me I saw people of all ages dancing along to the beat of the song, hot bodies dancing on one another, people shamelessly making out, every single one of them fully enjoying themselves.

Calla and Sydney both grabbed my hands, pulling me towards the bar. We all order a round of cocktails and sat down at the nearest available booth.

After a few cocktails and many rounds of shots I stood up feeling the effect alcohol had on my body.

"Care to dance with me ladies?" I asked holding both my hands out in front of me for them to take.

"Yup. I was waiting for you to ask," Calla told me. Both of them jumped up and took a hand each.

I tightly held onto both of their hands so we didn't lose each other in amongst the uncomfortably warm crowd. Once we had all successfully manoeuvred our way through to the middle of the room, we all spread out, needing our own space to dance along to the music like that was where we were meant to be. I swayed my hips naturally to the wave of the music.

I locked eyes with Calla and then Syd. They had both attracted the attention of two separate males. I winked at the pair of them making us all giggle in unison. For once I wasn't looking for the attention of a male as I danced in sync to the music.

I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, making me twist my body to face them. A short, dark haired guy stood in front of me just as the song smoothly transitioned into the next. 

"Hey, do you want to go and get a drink at the bar?" He shouted over the music.

I thought about it for a second before replying, "Yeah sure."

I don't usually accept drinks from strangers but tonight something changed. I quickly turned to Calla to let her know where I was going before following him to the bar.

"I am just going to get another drink, okay?" I shouted to Calla, her back of her body still pushed up against another body behind her.

"Yeah, sure. Take your time," she said and winked at me.

I followed him to the bar and ordered a rum and coke. I carefully watched as the bartender made it, making sure nothing had been slipped into it. Just as I was about to take it from the bartender, I see Syd sitting on a bar stool, not looking like her normal upbeat self. I immediately walk over to her to see what's wrong.

"Syd! Are you alright? Has something happened?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she said sounding defeated. Everyone knows that when someone says that they're fine, they're really not.

"Sydney just tell me what happened."

"Bradley is here with her," she announced. Bradley and Sydney had been together for 2 years till the asshole cheated on her with this other girl, who, according to what Syd just said, he is here with.

"Just ignore them. Have you forgotten that you're a bad bitch who doesn't let anyone ruin their day?" When she is like this, drunk and sad, the only way to speak to her and for her to understand is to hype her up.

"Yeah! You're right. I'm gonna go back and dance and not care." She stood up, slightly wobbling on her feet before I saw her get lost in the mass of people hopefully going to find Calla.

Turning around to get my drink, I walked straight into the back of someone. They spun around and I feel their hands instantly steady me as I realised that I recognised the strong cologne that was making my head spin.

"We really need to stop meeting like this," a strong, male voice I knew to be Jace's said.

I looked up at his eyes, they softened slightly before going back to normal, making my heart flutter. I considered that I was tipsy and could have easily imagined it.

"Are you following me?" I genuinely asked. Ever since we first met, he seemed to be everywhere I go.

All I got was a small chuckle in reply as he loosened his grip around my waist and slowly moved his head closer to mine. "That dancing was pretty impressive. Some may even say kinda hot," he lowly whispered into my ear. My breath caught in my throat; my eyes widened at his choice of words. I didn't know he was here let alone watching me.

"Who's to say the show wasn't especially for you?" I breathed back into his ear, feeling a sudden spike of confidence due to the amount of alcohol that was running in my system. I let my words linger in the air and slowly pulled back away from his ear, swivelled on my heel and walked in the opposite direction from where I just stood, not looking back.

I placed the rim of the glass up to my lips when I felt someone stop me, grabbing my wrist. I inspected the hand secured around wrist before looking at whoever had grabbed me. Getting ready to tell them where to go, I looked up at their face which I instantly recognised.

"Don't drink that. I saw that guy put something in it," Jace informed me whilst loosening his grip on me. I looked him dead in the eyes, wondering why I should trust him of all people. All he did was stare blankly back. I decided against drinking it, just to be safe.

I looked over to the guy who had bought me the drink. He shot me a smile before getting up and walking over to me. I sighed, knowing something was about to happen.

"Is this guy bothering you?" He asked. 

"Kind of, but he's alright. I know him," I falsely explained. "Thanks for the drink though." I said implying he should leave. He smiled at me before looking at Jace, challenging him with his eyes, then leaving. I waited till he was properly out of view before giving the drink back to the bartender.

I turned to Jace, "Thanks for that but I don't need you protecting me. I can handle myself and if it wasn't for Syd, I would have never left the drink unattended." 

He looked at me, not giving me any type of reaction. I spun around and left to go and find Lucas.

I walked over to the booth where I saw Lucas sitting on his phone. Lucas looked up at me and smiled before I saw his gaze fall behind me. He looked at me again, questioning me with his green eyes. Confused, I turn around and see Jace still stood behind me. Turning back to Lucas, I frowned, letting him know that I was just as confused as he was.

I turned to him to see him watching Lucas with that look in his eyes that all guys get. I instantly knew what he was getting at.

"This is Lucas. He's like a brother to me so you don't need to be looking at him like that."

"Okay, just wanted to make sure with the amount of advantageous creeps there are around here," Jace explained, never taking his eyes off Lucas.

Jace's gaze turned back to me. He leaned closer to me making my heartbeat quicken.

"Like I said, you need to watch where you are going, princess," he purred into my ear so only I could hear. My cheeks unvoluntarily flared up nervously as his closeness.

"Like I said, I don't need you protecting me or whatever the hell you're doing." 

He stood there for a few seconds just looking at me before turning around and leaving, going back to who I assume to be his friends.

I slid into the booth, sitting next to Lucas. He looked at me, confusion and disbelief all over his face. "What the fuck was that?"

"I was just wondering the same thing." 

So what do we think of Jace so far? 

I know things are kind of moving fast with the both of them especially in this chapter. Remember that they are in a club, both drunk and are intrigued by each other, so that's why in this he was acting protective. Jace was drunk and his confidence as well as emotions were heighted because of the alcohol. Plus, there are weirdos in the club so he is just looking out for her just like a friend would. :)

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Thank you for reading x

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