Chapter 44: I'm proud

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(A/N) I probably don't say this enough but I would just like to thank you all so much. I started writing this not expecting that I was even going to publish it on anything and just be my little secret that I reread in years to come with my children type of thing. But when I started posting chapters on here, I was hoping to get at least 100 reads. Now we're almost at 5k. I read every single comment and they (as cringe as this may sound) fill me with joy. You guys really keep me motivated and this has really boosted my confidence in creative writing. So, thank you all so much for all the support <3

I'll stop being corny now and let you read.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Enjoy :)

I took a step out of the bathroom. My body was finally back to my normal body temperature. After applying moisturiser to my skin and putting on my comfort onesie, I finally felt relaxed.

I sat on my bed and plugged my phone on charge. I tried catching up on my emails when a noise kept distracting me.

Screaming. I could hear screaming at 4 in the morning.

I stood up out of bed and walked towards my window. There was no one out there and the sound had stopped. When I sat back down on my bed, the dreadful screams echoed through my room again.

I rushed out into the hallway and my heartrate lowered when I saw a short, blonde girl screaming on the TV through the small gap between the door and the wall. Calla was watching a horror movie. Thank God it wasn't anyone in real life.

With my mind more at ease, I leisurely strolled back to the threshold of my room. Something stopped me from going in.

My hand clutching onto the small, round doorhandle used to enter my room, I sighed. Calla only watches horror when she's upset. The thing that made me start making my way back outside her room was the fact that I knew reason she was cooped up by herself watching horror was because of me.

I let out a silent, small sigh. I cracked my knuckles and slowly opened the door revealing Calla's room.

She sat on her bed with her knees to her chest, the cover so high I could only just about see her eyes. She quickly glanced over to me, a sad, tired smile appearing on her face.

I didn't know what to do next. Do I stand and talk or sit down next to her? Either way, I was going to have to talk to her. So, I suppose it didn't matter where I stood. After a few seconds of me awkwardly standing in the threshold of her room, she shifted to the side, presenting room for me to sit next to her. I slowly walked over and sat down next to her.

This was very strange to me, feeling awkward. Usually, I know exactly what to say. But words evaded me now. I didn't know where to start as I was still kind of lost as to why she was annoyed at me.

I sat quietly and stared blankly at the television propped up on her wall.

After a while, I heard a small sigh escape her lips before she covered the lower half of my body with some of the duvet. I smiled. This was like her offering out an olive branch.

With anyone else, I would have given up with not knowing what I had allegedly done wrong. But Cals acting like this was so out of character. Something was bothering her more than usual and it would have been morally wrong of me to ignore it any further.

She was one of my closest friends and I needed to be there for her right now.

"Are you okay?" I stupidly asked using that to break-the-ice. I knew she wasn't alright.

"I mean- I know you're not alright. Especially from the screams coming from the TV," I nervously laughed trying to add some type of humour the situation.

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