Chapter 45: I was right.

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A few months later

For once, I was right. I was happy again, genuinely happy and so was everyone around me.

Calla and I had moved past what happened between us. It was weird because it was almost like we needed something like that to happen as it changed the whole dynamic, not only between myself and Calla, but Syd as well.

The three of us now had this rule where every Friday night, we would stay up till the early hours of the morning and just talk. Let every and anything that came to mind out. It was refreshing – there was no room for misunderstandings or secrets between us. I think it's safe to say that Calla deleted all dating apps off her phone.

As for Sydney and Lucas, they were deeply in love with one another. They were made for each other. All you had to do was sit in a room with them for as little as ten minutes, and their love was as clear as day. Calla and I would often joke about them being 'sickly in love', but we both knew that the bond that they had was something we both hoped for in the future.

And as for me, I have been okay. Better than okay actually. Everything seemed to be going right for the first time in months. No drama, no arguments, nothing.

It's been nice seeing everyone I love finally be happy.

Jace followed through with what he said. He has been... different but in a good way.

When we first met up again after that night, we spoke about the most important things. That night we talked, he promised to be there for me and open up, show me his vulnerability.

He has done just that.

He's told me about his Dad and what their relationship was like before he died, and how his death affected him, Skylar and Kate. He surprisingly dealt and spoke about it well - like he had fully mourned and accepted it.

Jace also filled in the missing gaps about 'her'.

He basically just confirmed everything I had suspected. They were together and it ended badly between them. They were super close and he blames himself for it. Jace said that he didn't want to go through that again, so he hasn't really told anyone much about himself till now.

It was nice getting everything out in the open. We spoke a lot that day, using that time to express everything.

Since that day, we've been extremely close with each other. That was the final piece to the puzzle and now it was perfect.

It felt as if now we had shared everything with the other, we had that trust and grown respect for each other. There were no more secrets, no more mysteries, it just felt... easy. And that was how I had wanted it to be from the beginning.

A sigh of contentment escaped my lips as the credits of the film began running.

"What are you thinking about, princess?"

I shifted my body so I was lying on my back, my head in his lap, looking up into his wondering blue eyes. Jace tucked a stray strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear.

My heart skipped as he goofily grinned at me, catching me staring at him.

"Not much."

"Hmm. You sure about that?"

"Yeah. I'm just thinking about how happy I am with everything," I admitted.

"Yeah?" He asked with a soft smile on his lips, reaching his eyes. I nodded before sitting up, Jace's arm wrapped around my shoulders.

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