Chapter 7: Continued

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It is the same day as the last chapter. Nothing has happened and they're all still at Lucas' house. Enjoy! 

"SYD! Where are you?" I shouted up the stairs.

"She's in the shower, she'll be out in a sec. Well, at least I hope she will. She has been in there for over an hour and a half," Lucas replied from behind me. Typical Sydney, taking forever in the shower. I walked up the stairs and went into the spare room I had slept in and decided to wait for her to come out.

45 minutes. I waited 45 minutes for Sydney to come out of that bathroom.

"What the hell took you so long?" I asked her when she finally came out.

"It's nice to see you too. I'm guessing that you're no longer hungover with the way you were shouting. I could hear you over the running water and music." She was fully dressed and her makeup was done in a natural, simple way. Her long red hair was still wet, dripping as she got the towel in her hands and attempted to dry the ends of her hair.

"Did you know about me messaging Jace last night?" I bluntly asked. Syd and I know everything about each other and my normal loud way of speaking increases when I have been drinking. Syd has also previously told me that I tell her everything when I am drunk. Everything I am doing, thinking, feeling, everything so, when I asked Syd I almost already knew her answer however, what I didn't know was if she was going to tell me.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" She asked me and looked up at me where she was previously on her phone. She looked confused but like I said, she is a good actress.

"Sydney, cut the bullshit," I told her, annoyed with the way that she was acting.

"Okay, geez. Yeah, I knew and I might have slightly encouraged you," she said making a face whilst saying the last part. I raised my eyebrows at her in a 'what the hell' type of way. "Only slightly though." Syd put the towel she was drying her hair with down on the king-sized bed allowing her to put her hands up next to her face in a surrender type of way.

"Is Ivy holding you at gun point or something?" Lucas jokingly asked standing on the threshold of the room.

"Lucas was in on it too!" Syd exclaimed, running over to him and pulling him into the room by his arm. I watched as she let go of his arm and her fingers lightly brushed his hand. Syd then discreetly took a step to her right, away from Lucas as his eyes flickered to where their hands had connected, to the floor and then back to me.

"What was I in on?" Lucas asked, his voice a little hoarse.

Syd cleared her throat, "Tell her what happened last night."

Lucas' eyes snapped up to Sydney's in a questioning manner. 

"With Jace..." Syd said in a stern but confused voice. Something definitely happened with these two last night I just need to find out what exactly.

"Oh yeah. You really don't remember?" Lucas questioned, turning to look at me.

I moved over to the bed and sat on it crossed legged. "No, I don't so you two are going to sit down and inform me in what did happen, okay?" They both did as I said and climbed onto the bed. 

Lucas went first.

"After you left to go find Calla, Jace came back over and sat with me at the table. I'm not going to lie, I thought he was coming over to give me some type of trouble especially with the way he had looked at me 20 minutes before, but he didn't. He came and sat next to me and introduced himself and offered to get me a drink as an apology for the way he had acted. So, I went with him to the bar and explained that I don't drink and ordered a lemonade as he got something for himself. After getting our drinks we walked back to the table and I asked him how he knew you." I glared at Lucas. 

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