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      Cancer..great my life is over! I bet Jacob's happy about this. I lay in the hospital bed, staring at the wall just watching my life go by. They say I have three months which is not enough for me. Why me? why did this have to happen to me? why not someone else? Chres and his family visited me but I was sleep. I was I was awake so I could have seen that flawless face of his. I sighed as I looked aroufn the plain depression room. I pressed the buttoon you use to call ina nurse and waited for anyone to arrive. Soon a women walked in with a smile on her face to which I hated. This was no time to smile.

"May I help you?" she asked. "Do you need anything?"

"Yes, my life!" I yelled. "I can't have this sickness.. just can't." she sighed, giving me yet again, another smile. "Sorry, honey but that's how it is but don't worry were going to help you get better." I sighed

"When can I leave?"

"Oh, I'm afraid we don't know that right now but I'll be sure to let you know..need anything else?" I shook my head. "No, thanks." she exit the while I crused up a storm under my breath.


We were on our way to pick up Avalon...I would call her something else but the way things are set up right now, I might as well me mature enough to put that aside. David and the twins left early, they didn't say why...not that I care anyway, I'm glad they were gone. They weren't Avalon's kids anyway....I just wish Chres could see that. Speaking of Chres, he's been depressed ever since this all happened. He won't eat, sleep, and he hasn't showerd...well he did today anyway.

"Chres, things will get better ok?"

"No it won't, she only has three months left...I gotta make the best of it." ." we got to the hopital to take Avalon back home. Chres paid the bill and waited for the girl to get her things ready. Chres stil looked depressed. I hated seeing him like this. He looks so...weak and defencless.

"Baby, are you sure you don't want anything?" he nodded and sighed. "I'm fine." I knew he was starving, he hasen't eaten anything. 

"I'm getitng you a buger..and you're going to eat it." he sighed.


"No whatever, it's thank you, bae." I set off to Mickey D's and bought everyone something.



       When Avalon was finally ready, I needed to talk to her.


"I know, I don't wanna talk about this Chres.."

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now