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                 That rest of the night has been hell. Avalon will not leave me and Jacob alone. Every time we were alone, she ass would just pop up out of nowhere. It was around dinner time and everything was kina quiet then usual.

"Alinna, were you that hungry?" Omari gasped. I looked over and Alinna was on her fourth plate! god damn and I thought I was fat.

"Um...y-yeah, I'm just really hungry." She laughed. Something ain't right. She always seems sick, always eating like a black hole.....could she be? nah, I don't think so I know my kid, she would do that to me.

"So what are we doing after dinner?" Avalon cut in. 

"Um...I don't know we could discuss the thing about Deme." Jacob said.

"Um...ok but you think we could put that aside for a bit and just relax?" She asked. I know she didn't ask that!

"I think we'd rather talk about getting Deme back." I snapped at her not trying to show my anger in front of the kids. 

"But that's going to take time to get together so it's best to start that in the morning." She said.

"OK."  Jacob said. I looked at him. 

"Are you sure about this baby?" I asked. "Yeah, I think she's right, we might as well wait till morning and then were really gonna talk about it." I sighed looking at Avalon looking at me smirking and blowing me a kiss when Jacob wasn't looking. I mean mugged her. Later that night we stayed in the living room watching tv. Alianna went to her room claiming about feeling sick. I need to talk with that girl sooner or later.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed, coming babe?" Jacob asked pulling me with him. I smiled. "Yeah, Omari, hit the bed."

"Don't I get a good night?" Avalon asked me as I was walking up to the bedroom with Jacob.

"No" I said.

"OK, I got you in the morning." She said. Oh no she won't. I walked in the room with Jacob and sighed.

"Baby, why would you say until in the morning?"

"She had a point Chres, we were tired and we did needed to relax after that meal." He  said hopping into bed.

"Yeah but this is Deme were talking about, OUR son. We can't blow something lie this off."

"I know, I'm not blowing it off, were gonna get to it in the morning."

"And if not?" I asked getting in the bed as well. Jacob sighed. "Chres we will, don't worry."

"...I just miss him..." I sighed.

"Me too." Jacob moved over laying on my chest. "I wonder what's going on."

" Me too.  just can't believe he hates us now." The thing I hate the most is being hated..and by your kids.

"I'm sure it doesn't I know he misses us too." Jacob said. I smiled a bit. There he goes, always trying to make me smile.

"You know I love you right?" I kissed his head. I wanted him to know that I will never do Jacob wrong in any way. Avalon will not win.

"Yeah I know." He giggled. "No really, I love you....your're the only person that keeps me going on and never give up. I love you for that...and I will never leave you."

" I love you too, and I'll never leave you either." 

".....You notice something us with Alinna?"

"Yeah, I don't but I think she maybe sick." Jacob said. 

"I'm gonna have to talk to her in the morning about this." I turned off the lamp and me and Jacob cuddled together and fell into a nice deep sleep.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora