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             I looked at my mom in shock, I looked over at Avalon and she was just crying. Not looking at anyone. I looked back and Jacob and the kids were there.

"....I have a sister?" I finally asked. My mom couldn't really talk since she was crying so hard so she just nodded.

"....Why? why didn't you tell me?"

".....It's complicated."

"No it's not, you just tell me why."

"Can we do this in private?" She asked. I nodded and me, my mom, and Avalon walked inside of the restaurant's back room to talk.

"Talk." I demanded.

"...Look, years ago when you were....younger-"

"Mom, I wanna say this...you can go in."

"No I want her here too." I said.

"No I need to say this alone to you." I gave up and she took me down the block.

"Chres, you and I were tight when we were younger...you were a cute baby brother so chunky and adorable..but...as we got older, I..I developed feelings for you..and mom and dad didn't allow it." Talking about my dad made me tense up since he died when I was little. "And....I went crazy and they sent me away and put me ina foster home. Since then I've been working here...I dreamed I see you again...and I still love you. I'm sorry Chres but it's the truth." I couldn't even say anything I'm already stressing over my kids. Alianna's attitude and Deme's questions and Adalyenn claiming she still love me, ugh!

"...You had feelings for me?"  I chocked out.

"Yes, and I still do..." She grabbed my hand but I pulled away.

"I have a family, I have a wife husband..I'm gay. You saw them."

"I know but I love you."

"Your my.....sister, siblings can't love that way, it's sick and unnatural."

"So the fuck what? we can still work it out." She touched my hand.

"Ew no!" I pulled away and walked back into the restaurant to get Jacob and the kids, this dinner is fuckin over.


            I can't believe Chres has a sister. I saw him walk in looking annoyed.

"Baby? what's wrong?" I asked rubbing his shoulder but he pulled away.

"Nothing....let's go home."

"But we didn't eat." Alianna whined.

"We can eat at home, let's go!"  The car ride was silent. I wanted to talk with Chres about what happened but It's look like it'll piss him off. We finally got home and everyone went inside.

"Chres, can we talk?"

"I...don't really wanna talk Jacob..." He sighed. "Tonight has been hell.."

"What happened?-" A vase was crashed into the wall which made me jump and scream.

"I SAID I DON'T WANNA FUCKING TALK ABOUT IT JACOB WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PUSHING THIS SO FUCKING FAR? I DON'T WANNA TALK!!" He yelled pushing passed me and went upstairs. I was taken back by his words. I had no choice but to respect his wishes. I sighed and cleaned up the mess......crying in the process. I don't like it when people yell at me.

"Mom?" Omari came downstairs. "Are you ok? I heard something." I nodded and gave him a little smile wiping my face so he wouldn't see me cry.

"I'm fine baby, go back to bed." He nodded and went back to his room and that's when Alianna came down.

"Well....looks like dad cracked huh?" She laughed.

"Go to your room Alianna."

"Why? I heard yelling and crash noises."

"Well everythings ok now..."

"....Who was that lady dad was talking with?" She asked. "What happened back there?"

"I don't know...I'm trying to know myself- why am I talking to you bout this? go to your room, go somewhere." She groaned.

"Fine." I was alone in my thoughts. I was still scared that Chres had yelled at me, I feel scared about going up there....guess I'll sleep here tonight. I grabbed a blanket and cuddled ina ball and slowly went to sleep...crying alittle.


                  I felt bad that I yelled at Jacob an threw that vase, I notice that he wasn't up in the room yet so I went to check up on him. He was sleeping on the couch. I shook him.

"Why are you sleeping here?" I asked.

"I don't know, you tell me....your're the one yelling and getting mad at me for no reason.."

"Look, I'm sorry...it's just... I didn't wanna talk about it, and I don't like people pressuring me."

"That's all you had to say.." I said softly.

"I said I didn't wanna talk about it how specific do you want me to be?"

"Fine, whatever..." he turned over facing his back to me and fell asleep. I sighed and went in the room and got into the bed alone. He needs space like I need it right now. This has been the worst day I ever lived through.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now