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                          I made it to the restaurant and walked in. I was in no mood so when I saw Avalon I didn't want her to start.

"Chres?" Speaking of the damn devil. 


"Oh c'mon Chres, just give me a chance," She came over to my side rubbing my chest which felt good but if anyone was gonna rub me like that, it was Jacob.


"Why? I see you like it anyway.." She smirked. I pushed her hand away and she frowned.

"Honestly Chres you want this, I can see it in your face you wanna be with me just as bad as I want you."

"Avalon! I ain't got time for this, I'm in no fucking mood alright?" I was pissed off I'm dealing with too much as it is and she's just adding it on. Fuck..

"But I can help take the stress away...please...I can make you feel good." Again she started rubbing my chest. "Mmmm you smell good." I pushed her off yet again and walked away to the back room with her on my tail.

"Go away Avalon." I warned. She pouted. "Why?"

"Cuase!" She leaned against the counter, looking at my background picture of Jacob and the kids on my phone.

"So you got kids huh?" She asked. "Three of them?" Well...technically two but I ain't telling her my business.

"...What do you want?" I sighed.

"I just want you...I want you to be with me and your're-" She  was about to say something else but she stop in mid sentence. I looked at her.

"My what?"


"No really what was that, what were you gonna say?" I asked again. She shook her head.

"No it's nothing...I was gonna say...mom."

"Oh..I don't wanna talk to her, not after all this shit."

"..So you're really gonna be with that Jacob person? and those kids?" She asked.

"Yeah, I love them...their my family and I love them."

"What about me?"

"What about you? I know your're my sister and all but...I don't love you in that way...I'm fully gay, not bi and you can never turn me straight."

"..I bet I can." Before I could even react. I was pushed into the back room and hearing it lock.

"Avalon...think about what your're doing..."

"I am, and I'm doing you." Next thing I know, my clothes were being taken off and I just blacked out.



                 Chresanto's been gone for more then his time at work. I called him numerous times. Where is he?

"Daddy ma, where's dad?" Alianna asked coming out of her room.

"..He's still at work honey." She sighed.

"I thought he'd be back by now.."

"Well I guess he needs to stay over time or something..look it's late baby, go to sleep." She kissed my goodnight and I went up into my bedroom sighing.

"Where are you Chres?.."  He's never been this late. I have a lot on my mind right now..We have to be in court again with Adalyenn, Deme talking about he wants to go to Florida, Chres dealing with family drama, finding out about Avalon being his sister. What's next? I heard the door opening and I knew it was Chres. I ran downstairs.

"Baby why are you so late...?"  Chres looked a mess. His clothing was all messed up and everything.

"Baby what happened?" I asked as he walked in. He looked like he was high. Was he smoking or something? Chresanto's not the type.

"Nothing baby, just long night...I just wanna sleep." He walked passed me and into the room as I followed him, I smelt perfume on him.

"Why do you smell like that?" I asked. He looked back at me annoyed. Which I found strange. I was worried about him nd this is how he acts?


"Your're clothes, it smells like Japanese cherry blossom."

"Oh um......Avalon like's that stuff."

"Oh..but why did it get all over you're clothes?" He sighed as he looked at me. "Jacob please..I'm tired, can I just go to bed?"

"OK OK, damn..is it too much that I was worried about you?" I made my way to bed and turned my back to Chres.

"Baby I didn't mean it like that..."

"Just go to bed Chresanto." I tuned my lamp off and went to bed. I heard Chres sighed and got into bed. He tried cuddling with me but I pushed him away. You wanna be that way? fine. I can be like that too.

"I'm just stress about all this.." I said nothing but I was listening. "I feel like I'm gonna crack." I turned over and looked at Chres who really was crying. "Oh baby, I'm right here with you...your're not alone and never will be alone."  He smiled and kissed me.

"That's why I married you...your enthusiasm..and support...I love it." I blushed. What can I say? I'll do anything for my Roc.

"So what's in for tomorrow?" He asked.

"I don't know...the usual..breakfast...getting ready for school and work...come home...dinner and then it starts again." I sighed.

"Yeah.." He agreed.

"Baby, I don't wanna loose Demetrius," I cried. "..I can't..this is just too much, I can only handle so much." Chres pulled me to him and wiped my tears as they were coming down my face.

"I know..me too...me dealing with family, the new sister now in the pic Ugh.."

"Well...hopefully things will get better.." I yawned turning off the light. "Night."

"Goodnight baby." He cuddled next to me and I didn't push him away. Since all this drama's going on I need him to hold me. I just pray things get better for our family.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant