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              I waited for Jacob to come home I had already made dinner for the kids. Deme claimed he wasn't hungry so it's whatever. The door opened and Jacob walked in...he looked tired.

"Hey baby," I kissed him and took his bags and coat. "Hard day?"

"Yeah, ugh feels good to just be home." He whined taking off his shoes.

"I made u a plate of food." Informing him. He nodded and walked in the kitchen with me following him.

"Um...Baby? I have to tell you something..." I sad down at the table.

"Sure what baby?" He asked. I wanted to tell him but...how would he react?

"Yeah baby?" Jacob asked again.

"...Um well ...it's nothing." I shook my head.

"..No Chres what's wrong?" He sat at the table with his plate next to me. "Talk to me."

"...Um...Y'know...that Adalyenn's out right?"

"Yeah...? I knew that, why?"

"Well...um she wants to come over tomorrow and see Deme."

"Um...ok...what's the problem?" He frowned. I swallowed hard.

"...Jacob...she-she wants to take Deme back."

"What?!" I hushed Jacob before he woke up the kids.

"She wants Deme? Why?" He asked more quietly.

"Well he is her son and she wants to take him to live with her."

"Where is she living?" He asked.

".....Florida....BUT not right now, she lives around here but she has a place out there."



"Florida? Why so far? She can't do this.."

"I know and the sad thing about is that she wants to take us to court ina about 3 weeks." Jacob sighed.

"I"m not even hungry.." I pushed the plate back to him.

"No, eat..I made it for you."

"How can I eat when you just told me some shit like this? She wants to take Deme away from us Chresanto."

"Where not gonna let that happen." I told him. It fell silent until Jacob spoke.

"Chres, I don't wanna loose another son." I sighed. Thinking about that day. The day X passed on. We still think about him. Alianna's taking it hard the most. It was hard explaining it to her when she was younger, she cried and cried and till this day, she still cries. I guess that's why she's always so mad. She saw everything and heard everything. All the drama and the bs that went down. Me being in jail, all of it. Can't blame her for being that way.

After Jacob finished eating, he took a shower and met me in the bedroom.

"Oh boy..." He sighed. "What's going to happen?"

"I don't know.." I got into bed and held Jacob in my arms I thought we'd be passed all this and now more drama coming our way.

"But I can tell you what's not...Deme's staying here and Adalyenn's not going to be in our lives."

"How do you know that? She'll have her ways." Jacob said.

"...Yeah...well...the best we can do is not let Adlyenn get full custody." Jacob nodded in agreement and cuddled more closer to me.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now