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                     "So your saying she's back?" Shey gasped. I invited our friends over to talk about Adalyenn's little visit.

"Yeah, and she wants Deme back." I sighed. I'd never thought this day where Adalyenn came back into my life and take Deme back.

"Damn," Marcus shook his head. "I thought she was in jail for the past years."

"She was," Jacob said entering the living room putting down snacks. He was always so giving. "But apparently, she was released by good behavior."

"8 years of relief....over." Julie sighed.

"...Why would she want Deme back?" Breanna asked. "I mean she's done drugs, almost sold him cause of that drug dealer that she was with and now she wants him back?"

"Yeah, and now Deme wants to know where she is..." I sighed. How am I suppose to tell Deme that his own mother didn't want him when he was born?..... she was a junkie, went to jail and hid things from him? I knew this day would come anyway, I have to tell him. He has a right to know who his mother is.

"He's not gonna live with her...right?" Shey asked.

"Hell no," Jacob snapped. "Not after all the shit she put us through."

"So what y'all gonna do about this?" Marcus asked.

"I thought about it I know it sounds crazy but I think Deme should see Adalyenn."

"Are you serious?" Julie gasped. "Not after all the shit she's done! She doesn't deserve to see her son, ever."

"I know, I feel the same way but...Deme really wants to know who she is and I can't keep something like that away from him...I've been doing that for the past 8 years already.."

"..Well if that's the only option I guess we got no choice." Jacob sighed. The door opened and we saw Alinna walking in.

"Hey baby, how's your...?" I started but she just went right up to her room slamming the door.

"What's up with baby girl?" Breanna asked.

"I know," Marcus said. "She likes Micheal."

"She what?!" I gasped. My little girl liking boys now? oh hell naw. I thought I had numerous talks with her about boys.

"Yeah,  but he's ina relationship... I guess that's why she's so upset." Marcus added.

"Well, I guess we gotta talk to her about this." Jacob said standing from the couch.

"Well you can, I can't talk to this girl anymore and I thought things were hard when she was 8."


          I made my way to Alinna's room hearing her crying. I walked in and tried calming her down.

"It's ok baby," I said. "It's not the end of the world, there are other guys in the world."

"What? H-How did you know-?"

"I can read you like a book." She sighed as she lifted herself from me.

"I liked Micheal so much but until I found out he was ina relationship, I was crushed." She wiped her tears.

"Awe, don't worry, like I said there are other boys..just make sure he's educated, nice, and mature...and well-mannered and-" She laughed.

"Ok daddy ma, thanks. I know if I was talking to dad he'd have a heart attack." We both laughed.

"Well I'm gonna go and get dinner started, what are you cravin' for?"

"Um....burgers and fries?" She smiled. I smirked back at her and laughed. She gets her fatty traits from Chres. Our friends left and I was in the kitchen cooking while Chres was there keeping me company.

"So how are we gonna do this?" He asked.

"I don't know.." I sighed. "I mean, Deme does has a right to see her, but..he doesn't remember anything from the past? Getting beaten, got kidnapped and all that?"

"I know..but we wouldn't be right if we kept him from Adalyenn... Just like how my mom wouldn't keep anything from me, I wanna set an example for the kids." Chresanto has a good heart. I agreed with him that Deme should be allowed to see Adalyenn..just hope nothing goes wrong.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now