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                    Today was the big day! I start my new job. I told Jacob about it ans he was so proud of me. I didn't start until like......7 so I got time. I also remembered that I had to see Adalyenn today.

"So anything you wanna do today?" Jacob asked.

"Oh, um...I was gonna be kina busy today babe..sorry."

"Awe that's ok...so busy with what?" He asked. I didn't really wanna tell Jacob that I was eeing Adlyenn again. This will get him angry and I hate when he's stressed out and angry.

"...Getting my things ready for the new job, cooking supplies, things like that.:"

"OK, well I guess me and the boys will go to the park."

"Where's Alianna?" I asked. Jacob sighed. 

"In her room, she doesn't come out for anything but food and the bathroom." That girl needs an attitude adjustment. It's not the end of the world. There are other boys in the world..as ling as she doesn't try anything.

"OK well...I guess I'll see you soon." He kissed me bye and went off with the boys. Deme still doesn't wanna talk with me, and as for Alianna but I can't let that get in the way of work today. It was almost 3 and I had to meet Adlyenn. I hopped into my car and drove to White Castle where she'd said she'd be. Good thing too I could go for some burgers and fires.

"Hi Chres.." She greeted. I sat down and sighed. "So, how've you been?"

"Look, what do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Cutting to the chase I see....ok um you see being with Deme it made me realize my mistakes about what I've done the past years....and I was hoping that....I can have Demetrius." I must heard her wrong. Did she say she wanted to take Deme? Away from us? I looked at her disbelief.


"I know, I mean he say's he misses me and he wants to live with me...he even asked me why were not together."

"What? what did you say?" 

"I said we weren't on good terms."

"Oh you got that right, and my son's no going with you."

"What? he's my son, not yours."

"No he IS my son...I was there for him, not you...who gave him away? huh? who wanted to sell him off to a drug dealer for cocaine? Who Adalyenn? and your're talkin' about you want Deme to come and live with you? Where do you live anyway?" I asked her.

"In Florida."

"Oh hell naw!" Deme was not and I repeat will not move to Florida with her! even if he hates me forever I don't care, he's not going.

"Chres, you can't keep my son." She frowned.

"I can and I will," I said standing now. "Look, I let you see him at least but taking him that far away is crossing the line....I know he's your're son but he's been through hell while you were getting high and thrown in jail and...all this bull crap." She looked everywhere but me, I shook me head and sighed.

"Chres, you can't take him away from me, I cleaned up my act. I'm a better person now."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, and...I..I still love you...after all these years. You know I still do." Oh no were not going down this road again.


"I know you still love me too, all the times you kept pushing me away...you just did that so you wouldn't get caught by Jacob."

"I have a family Adalyenn, and I don't love you...nor like you."

"....Maybe you should think about it, we could work out....I won't tell Deme that your're not his father and we can be a family and you leave Jacob and your other kids."

"What? no way woman. No way in hell." I got up from the table and walked out the door followed by her.

"Chres, you can't do this to me...." She cried. I said nothing but walked to my car. "Please."

"No, I just don't think he'd be better off with you."

"Fine...I can just tell that your're not his father then." I stopped in my tracks.

"You wouldn't."

"I can and I will." She smirked.

"Look I know that but....I could tell him your're past. He wouldn't wanna live with you then." I gave her a smirk right back as her's fell.


"I will bitch, play me like a game and I'll play you better getting the high score." She glared at me.

"Were not done with this, remember that." With that, she walked away. I laughed. Like she's really gonna do anything. I hopped in my car and drove back home. I needed to get ready for my first day on my new job. My phone rang and it was my mom.

"Oh hey mom, what's up?"

"Hey baby, I am so proud of you!"

"Thanks, and I'm thinking about inviting Jacob, you, and the kids to dinner there tonight."

"Oh that good, which Red Lobster you work at?" She asked.

"The one on Dallas Street." (Made up) The line was silent.

"Ma? are you there?"

"Y-Yeah I am, look I have to go goodbye." Before I could react, she hung up on me. That was really weird but I just shrugged it off.

Chres's mom

                      I never EVER told Chresanto this but...he has an older sister. Her name is Avalon and she works at that Restaurant. Chres has seen her when he was a baby but too young to remember. I had Avalon sent away to live with another family..as Chresanto grew older, Avalon kina took a liking to Chres..more then a brother and we couldn't allow that so she went ona rampage and ever since then, we kept them separate making sure they never meet. She's been doing good now, I've been checking up on her for years now and she lives on her own and she's now 41 but I think she must have seen Chresanto... damn, why me?

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