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                    Me and my mother were cruising all over town hanging out and talking to one another until I thought of something.

"Um mom...can I ask you something?"

"Sure," She said. "What is it?"

"Why aren't daddy and you together?" I could tell she wasn't ready for the question but hey, I needed to know.

"Well...um me and your're father...well we were never on good terms when we were together. So we split."

"...So you guys would never try and fix it?" I asked.

"...Well I wanted to but let's just say your're father didn't wanna deal with the drama and besides he has...that Jacob guy."

"....I'm not mad at him cause he's gay I'm just sad that you guys aren't together and we can be a family."


                 I feel bad for Deme, I want him back and away from Chres. He's not his father anyway.

"Y'know Deme....I really miss you and I want you to come and live with me in Florida."


"Yeah, I plan on moving there, can't stay here in Atlanta anymore.

"But what about dad?" He asked.

"...He won't be coming with us but can always visit."

"Ok, he doesn't seem fair anyway...saying that he won't let me see you anymore."

"He said that?" I gasped. He nodded. It was almost 5 so I guess I better get him home.

"Don't worry Deme...mommy's gonna get you to live with me."

"Love you mom."

"...Love you too." I was hesitant about it, I do love my son....don't I? I mean I am the one who gave him up. But he's my son and he need to be with me.


                  I was now home and all I wanted to do was go to my room. I saw dad and Daddy ma in the kitchen talking.

"Hey baby, how was your day?" Daddy ma asked.

"It was ok...I'm just gonna go to my room."

"Without dinner?" Dad asked. I didn't really wanna talk to him yet so I ignored him and went upstairs. I have thinking I have to do. Mom wants to move to Florida, and take me with her? What about dad and daddy ma, and my siblings? I can't just leave them like that..but I do wanna be with my mom..


                          "You see that?" I asked Jacob. "He's ignoring me now.."

"Oh don't let it get to you," He said. "He just misses his mother."

"Yeah that bitch."


"Well that's what she is, she put us through so much when the kids were little. Now Alianna knows things...and Deme's also starting to question...who's next? Omari?"

"I know but she's still his mother, I know she put us throught alot and I still hate her but we can't let her come between us....we didn't let her do that for 8 years...even if she was in jail all that time." I sighed. I just wish that Adalyenn was never released, then we wouldn't have to deal with this.

"Anyway, I'm going to fix Deme a plate in case he gets hungry." I nodded and went up to our bedroom and cool down for a while. I was pretty headed about all this and I wish this never happened. I wish I never met Adalyenn in the first place. I've even asked Walter why he had to introduce me to her but even he's not gonna be her life anymore after all the shit she did. 'She's no niece of mines..' he said and I find it sad that she's crawling back here wanting to make 'peace'. She's trying to break us up I know she is...my cell rang and my eyes bulged out seeing the number on the phone....I knew this number.

"......The fuck you want?" I asked her.

"Oh Chres, can we put the past behind us?" She asked.

"I want to...but somehow you ended up in the present."

"Look, I don't wanna argue...I just wanna see if we can see each other tomorrow around 3? It's important." 

"Why? You almost cost me my marriage this way!" I semi-yelled. "I almost lost Jacob for good because of you."

"That's the past Chres, let it go."

"I do but you....I can't stand seeing you, ever again."

"Chres please I'm trying to make things right here, please just one lunch tomorrow? And you may never have to see me again....maybe on days when I wanna see my son."

"Fine tomorrow but that's it." I hung up and sighed. Why did I agree to this? My phone rang again and I answered it.

"Hello?...yes This is he....what, really? I did! So I start when....Monday next week...ok thanks so much!" Yes! That was Red Lobster, they called and aid I got the job I'm so happy...I wanna tell Jacob and the kids but I wanna tell it over a big dinner at....Red Lobster...Finally, Something good that I can look forward to.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now