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               A couple of weeks have passed and it was time to go to court. I was ready. Deme had to come along since they wanna talk to him. Adalyenn's going down once again. Jacob and I were in out best suits lookin' good. We came dressed to kill. We would leave Alianna in charge of Omari but she hasn't been feeling well. So we called Jacob's parents. They love the kids. 

"Ready?" I looked up to see Jacob looking sexy in the suit but no time for that now. I gave him a nod and we were on our way. I got into my car while Jacob rode in the passenger seat, Jacob was nervous.

"Baby...I'm scared." He whispered to me since he didn't want Deme to hear from the back.

"Everything is going to be ok.." I kissed his cheek to calm him down a bit. There's nothing to worry about were still keeping Deme.

"OK.." When we got there, Adalyenn was there in front of the court house...along with Carlos. Anger filled me.

"Why the fuck is he here?" I fumed.

"What, you brought your...whatever you call that, I can't bring my boyfriend?"

"Hell no I don't want him around D-"

"Hi mom!" Deme ran out the car hugging Adalyenn cutting off Jacob. "Hey little man, this is Carlos, he's mommy's boyfriend." Adalyenn said greeting him.

"Hey man," He greeted holding out his hand. Deme went to shack it. I was pissed how dare she, how the fuck dare she? we all walked in the court house and got everything ready.

"All rise for Judge Mathis.." We all raised up as the man walked in. Then he mentioned for us to sit.

"Ok so what's the case?" He asked. I stood up to speak.

"You're honor, were here to say that we don't want Adalyenn, to be able to keep her son..she's an unfit mother, she's did time, she's done drugs, lied and cheat, and has done child abuse-"

"He's my son Chres! I cleaned up my act." She yelled.

"Order, continued please.."

"Anyway, me, being the father of Demetrius..me and my husband Jacob Perez should be able to keep full custody of him."

"But I wanna see my mom.." Deme spoke out.

"Shh.." Jacob hushed him.

"How old are you son?" The judge asked him.

"Eleven sir."

"Tell me, how often do you see your're mother?"

"Well...um....I hven't really, since I was a baby-"

" Since he was a baby, she claim she didn't want him anymore!" I yelled interrupting.

"That's bullshit!" Adalyenn yelled. The Judge banged the gavel.

"There will be no cursing in this room Miss!"

"No, he stole my son away from me!  they both did, I want me son back!" She yelled.

"You didn't even want him!" Jacob stood up from his seat now yelling. "We still have that letter you wrote to Chres, claiming that you didn't want Deme.." Deme's face fell.


            How am I gonna get Deme this way?...Hmm...time to spill some secrets I guess.

"...They took him away from me your're honor...Chresanto's not even my son's father anyway!" The whole room fell silent. Chresanto looked at me like he wanted to kill me, Jacob looked at me with tears and Deme was looking at Chres like he came from another planet.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now