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                   I waited until Wednesday til they called me. I can't wait to know if I can get the job. I told Jacob and about it and he's so happy for me, and so are the kids. But I could help but forget about the strange women starring at me like that...like she knew me or something when I never saw her in my life. Deme is going to be spending the day with Adalyenn. I didn't really want him to but..he wanted to see her. Deme walked downstairs looking happy as ever. I love to see him happy, all my kids and even jacob.

"This is so exciting!" He cried happily. "I'm finally bonding with my mother."

"Yeah," I huffed. "Just make sure your home by 5." I said looking at the clock which was 3:00pm.

"But dad that's only like 2 hours."

"I know, and I don't care."


"Deme, I said 5, if your not here by 5 you can forget about seeing your mother." I slapped my hand to my mouth. I didn't really mean to say that, it just slipped. Deme looked at me with a sad, hurt, and angered look and ran to his room.

"Fine then!" He yelled slamming the door. I sighed. Jacob came in looking worried.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Jacob, I said something I shouldn't have.."

"And what was that?" He asked.

"I said that he needed to be home by 5 which he didn't agree to but I said if he wasn't home by then I said he couldn't see Adalyenn again."

"Oh Chres.." He sighed. I nodded.

"I know...I'm stupid."

"No, your not, I know why you said it...I know how you feel about all this and I do too...but think about what Deme wants. He wants to see her and she IS his mother after all even if we don't like it." I smiled. Jacob's gotta point.

"Your right Jacob." The doorbell rang from the door knowing it was Adalyenn. I let out a sighed making my way to door. As Jacob went to take a nap. I opened it slowly seeing Adalyenn standing there.

"Be here at 5." I said. She gapes at me.

"Um, I get no type of 'hi' here?"

"Um...no? now look, just have him here by 5."

"He's my son, I can have him out later if I want him to." She argued.

"Um no he can't, he has school tomorrow so he can't be out late...I'm not playing Adalyenn." She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine whatever...can you just call him so I can take him." I called Deme down so he can go. He mad no type of eye contact with me which hurt me the most. They soon left leaving me worried about what Adalyenn might do. Kidnap him like she did before, and hold him hostage and abuse him? I can't go through that again.

"So he left with her?" I looked up to see Alianna standing there.


"Why is she back? I thought she was in jail." She sat down beside me.

"Yes but she was released."

"For what? she needs life!" 

"I know but this isn't for you to say."

"And why not? If you don't remember I was there for it all...even if I was only 8 at the time." Alianna did put things together over the years which was hard on me and Jacob since she knew everything and the things we were keeping from Deme.

"I can't talk to you about this Baby girl..this is adult conversation."

"I'm 16 now dad, I know everything and I'm tired of these secrets! you need to tell Deme that your not his father."

"Look Alianna, just go to your room please." I pointed upstairs and she gave me a look.

"Really? I-"

"Now." I darkened my tone. She sighed and gave up going up to her room.

"Fine." I heard her slam the door. I sighed again. These kids. their all changing...besides Omari. Alianna's has all this anger build up and Deme starting to question his past and I don't know what to do. Alianna and Jacob's right though. At some point, I have to tell him. He could hate me but he needs to know....

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora