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                 "Hi we haven't properly met, you can see I'm Chres's sister." She sat down next to me. Hm I guess I could get to know her, I asked Chres if we could invite her over but he refused.

"So you're his sister." I stated. She nodded.

"Yup, I dreamed on day I find him again...and now I did.." Shed sighed. "I know you guys are going through rough patches and I'd like to help." I smiled. Well that's nice if her.

"But how though?" I asked. 

"I could try talking to the boy...and his mom and maybe we can come together and agree on something. Even talk with the judge maybe."

"Awe thanks Avalon." I don't know why Chres doesn't like her, she's so sweet.

"Hey, how 'bout you stay with us for the night?" I asked her.

"What really? oh no I don't wanna.."

"Please I insist. Your're staying with us...I mean this is a time for family to come together."

"Awe thanks, and I'd love to meet your're kids." She smiled.

"Avalon?" We looked up to see Chres.

"Oh...hey brother.." She smirked. Chres looked angry. Oh boy what now?


                      What the fuck is she doing here? and talking to Jacob?

"What are you here?"

"Chres, don't be that way. Avalon's trying to help us...I invited her to stay with us."

"You...you what? but baby-"

"I don't see what's the problem," Avalon cut in. "I wouldn't hurt a fly.." She gave me a little smirk and a kiss when Jacob wasn't looking. UGh. Dam Jacob why? We went on home from the hospital with Avalon. When we got here, Alianna and Omari were in the living room on the couch.

"Hey kids..you guys remember Avalon from the restaurant right?" Jacob asked. Alianna looked angry and Omari just shrugged it off. I told him this was a bad idea.

"It nice to finally meet you guys...Well I guess you can say you have a new aunite now." Avalon smiled.

"No we don't.." Alianna mumbled.

"What's for dinner Daddy ma?" Omari asked.

"Daddy ma?" Avlon had a confused look on her face.

"Oh yeah..my kids call me mom..it's hard to explain." Jacob blushed. Avalon looked freaked out and turned to me. "Chres can I talk to you....alone?

"Um...I don't think so-" She pulled me away from everybody and shut the door of Jacob and I's bedroom.

"What the fuck?"

"He's a freak Chres, your're with him?" Shed asked. "And your're kids are so...ugh.."

"Don't you dare talk about my kids." I warned her. One mistake and her ass is outta here.

"See if you were with me...we could have beautiful babies..." She rubbed my chest kissing my neck.

"No were not doing this," I pushed her away. "Your're in my house, where my family and HUSBAND is....don't you dare try anything while your're here. You got that?"



                   We got out the room and I Followed Chres in the living room where the kids were.

"I think I'm gonna go to my room." The girl stood up and left giving me the stink eye. Good. She looked like a bad ass kid anyway.

"Me too." The boy went up and left. Hm guess I bring off a vibe. Oh well.

"Thanks for scaring off the kids.." Chres mumbled. I smiled.

"For you baby.." I kissed him and he wiped it off.

"I was being sarcastic." He frowned.

"So what would you guys wanna eat?" Jacob walked in froin the kitchen. "The kids already ate so..."

"Um....I wouldn't mind having some..chicken with red beans and rice...with salad one the side if that's not too much?"  I asked.

"Ok." Jacob smiled and walked in the kitchen getting started.

"...Don't be working my husband." Warned Chres. I rolled my eyes.

"It seems like that's all he'ss good for anyway.."

"Don't talk...about Jacob." He's too stuck on this Jacob guy...oh well I'm gonna make their life hell anyway...I'll make sure they can't get back That Deme boy and then Jacob and Chres splits up and I can have him. Nothing will get in my way.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now