Chapter Twenty-Three - The Funeral

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Jade and I were on the plane, rushing back to Australia. I still felt like I couldn't speak without my voice breaking. I feel like I've broken down. Like I have nothing left. But I did. And they were back in America.

I do feel bad for rushing out like we did, but Jade and I were hysterical and, of course, needed to be there for our best friend when she needed us the most.

Jade hasn't said a word to me or anyone for that matter. Her phone has rung out about ten times by Harry but she refused to answer it. My phone had rung out a lot too, Niall probably. 

I pulled out my phone in my bag underneath my seat and checked it. Eight missed calls from Niall, five missed calls from Liam, five missed calls from Zayn, six missed calls from Louis and seven missed calls from Harry. They were so caring and we appreciated it so much we just needed our time right now, even if we did pack some of our stuff and leave without saying where we're going, what's going on and when we'd be back. 

I felt my eyes grow heavy, and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the back of my chair. 

I woke to Jade nudging me aggressively. I shot my eyes open as her elbow pierced through my ribs and I gasped.

"Jade!" I yelped.

"Sorry, you were just thrashing around in your sleep. And besides, we're here." She spoke softly, her voice cracking and full of worry.

At least she spoke. First time I've heard her speak since I told her about Orpa.


My heart sank a little deeper.

Jade glanced down at me and gave me a hint of a smile. I stood up and took her hand that she held out. We walked down the tiny spaced hallway of the plane and walked down the stairs off the plane.

I breathed in. Beautiful non-poluted fresh air. Australia. But it didn't feel like home anymore. London was home. The boys were my home. Even if I was here for my best friend.

"Come on," Jade muttered quietly and kindly and took my hand again, leading us into the airport. "Your mum's waiting for us."

Once we got into the airport, we searched eagerly around the crowded Sydney airport's waiting area and finally spotted Mum.

Mum came running towards us and embraced me in a tight hug. "You have no idea how much I've missed you two. And I'm terribly sorry to hear about Orpa." 

Jade winced at her name. It's all right, Jade, I feel your pain just as much. I wasn't in the mood for people running up to me and hugging me. Even if it was my mum. 

"Let's just get you to Fadelle's, your staying there tonight." Mum said. Jade and I nodded and started to head out of the airport.


Jade and I sat in Fadelle's room. Jade was covered in blankets, fast asleep and Fadelle and I sat on her bed. 

"How are you holding up?" I asked quietly.

"Not well, at all. It's really hard not having someone to talk to every day and someone to call every hour of the day, you know?"

"Yeah, I know how you feel, Elle."

"How's Jade holding up?" She asked.

"She's been crying a lot, so have I. We just left. We didn't say anything to the boys."

"You just left the boys without letting them know?"

"Yeah, we've got like a hundred missed calls on our phones." I broke out a small smile

"They sound like they're really worried."

"We're seventeen and we've lived with them for nine months now, they trust us."

"Okay." She mumbled, glancing down at her nails.

"Fadelle, how did it happen?" I asked.

"How did what happen?"


"Oh," Her voice grew shaky and I placed my hand upon hers. "You don't have to say if you don't feel up to it." I reassured her.

"No, it's okay," she breathed out as calmly as possible, "Well, she went out for dinner with her parents and  on their way back, her parents began arguing and Orpa just sat there, until her Dad pulled up into a quiet street and another car came speeding around the corner. The car had hit directly where Orpa was sitting. The doctor said that her head had come into too much contact with the room that it caused severe brain damage and she slipped into a coma instantly. Her parents slipped into a coma too, so her parents are at the hospital. The ambulance had got to her and taken her to the hospital, along with her parents, and she was still in her coma. I was at the hospital once she got there because I had heard about it so quickly. So I had raced there and got there to see her hooked up to too many machines to count. And I sat there, on the side of her bed, watching her chest and expecting to rise and fall again with every breath she took but it never came, expecting to open her eyes, expecting for her to squeeze back and she never did. I sat and watched her lifeless body, not knowing what to do. I told her I loved her so much and how much of a great friend she was to me, Jade and you and to so many people until the machine above her went blank and the room filled with an eerie sound coming from the machine. Next thing I know, doctors and nurses come rushing in so quickly and I wanted to stay there and hold her hand the whole way through until she'd open her eyes, but I got asked to wait outside. I did as they said and waited for a long half an hour, felt like forever, and one of the doctors had come out and said 'I'm so sorry, but we couldn't bring her back. She's slipped out of her coma. We tried everything we could.' and I just burst into tears, I cried for hours in the hospital." She cried the whole way through. I knew she couldn't continue so hugged her tightly. I began sobbing softly and she held my hand and gave it a squeeze. Probably something that reminded her of Orpa.

Jade was still sound asleep, but in a way I was glad Jade wasn't hearing this, She would of broken down completely.

After a while, Fadelle ended up falling asleep and I crashed on the floor next to Jade.


Today was the Funeral of our best friend Orpa Maas. She deserved the complete opposite to what she got. 

Jade slowly got dressed, not wanting to do this but she had to.

One we all got ready and arrived at the venue, we all entered the building and took our seats. I stared up at the coffin at the front. There lays my best friend. 

Suddenly a loud booming tap of the microphone came over the speakers. It reminded me of Louis straight away. I felt a smile make it's way to my lips, so I glanced down at my lap instantly before anyone could notice. 

The priest began speaking and had asked anyone up for speeches. Fadelle stood up nervously and gave her speech. I began crying, the tears streaming down my cheeks, splattering on my white dress. 

After everyone's speech's were done, we each laid a stem of rosemary on her coffin, in rememberance of her. 

We all entered another building to go to the after party to celebrate her life.

I was hurting so much inside. My heart was tearing away bit by bit and I wanted to cry. But I couldn't in front of all these people.


Fadelle, Jade and I went back to Fadelle's place and instantly fell asleep. We were exhausted. We've been crying all day and now it was time to get some rest. As my mother always says, sleeping heals the body. Let's hope so.


Hey guys,

That was a boring chapter but at least you know Orpa's death now.

Lotsa love,
Emily xoxoxoxo 

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