Chapter Eleven - Christmas

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"Wake up, Urs! Santa has come!" Jade squealed. Squealing at this ungodly hour? Go away Jade. You might of gotten plenty of your beauty sleep last night whereas Liam and I got to sleep at 4AM!

"Jade, you're seventeen, grow up." I groaned tiredly.

"Miss cranky pants has woken!" She announced.

"How come you haven't got a hang over? Because you deserve one for waking me up at this time." I frowned, managing to haul myself out of bed.

"Ursula, it's midday. You've been asleep all morning. The boys are waiting so we can get into the presents."

"Oh, really? Oops." I said, putting my slippers on and running downstairs, Jade following after me.

"Good afternoon, sleeping beauty." Niall greeted. All the boys sat around the living room, staring at my interesting choice of pyjamas.

"Morning," I glanced up at the clock. 12:30. "Okay. Good afternoon. You can open presents now."

"Yay!" The boys chorused.

The boys began ripping into presents annd cheering until Niall came up to me and gave me a little box.

"If this for me?" I asked, staring into his eyes.

"Yeah."  He smiled.

I opened the box to find a silver necklace with a big U&N hanging off it. I covered my mouth and smiled at it, stopping myself from gasping.

"U&N?" I asked.

"It's us," he smiled.

"Oh," I giggled, "Niall, it's beautiful."

"Let me put it on."

I gave the small gift to him and he put it around my neck and clipped it at the back. He kissed the back of my head secretly and I smiled, my cheeks burning.

"Thank you so much, Niall." I smiled, turning around to face him. He smiled lovingly at me. He was so romantic when he chose to be.

What am I saying, we aren't even together.

Shut up, Ursula.

"Oh, kiss already!" Harry shouted, breaking me out of the strong trance we were in.

"Harry!" Jade scolded.

Niall ran over to Harry and wacked him up the back of his head and laughed. They all started to play fight and Jade and I just watched, laughing hysterically.


Once we all finished opening presents, cleaning up, having lunch and all of that sort, the boys, all except Harry, went bowling. I spent the afternoon with him, talking about random things and trying not to bring up the Niall subject. I had that conversation with all the boys but Niall.

"Ursula," Harry began.

"Yes?" I turned to face him, looking up from my brightly lit phone.

"Does Jade really like me?"

"Haz, you have no idea. It's impossible to put in words how much she likes you." I laughed.

"Does she love me?"

"Possibly," I nodded approvingly.

He smiled and looked down at his phone. He was on twitter. He tweeted about hanging out with me just a minute ago. Typical Harry making a weird comment about hanging out with me.

"Do you love her?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Um, I don't know. I think so." He stammered, looking up at me again.

"Why'd you hesitate?"Oh

"Okay, yeah I do love her but I'm way too scared to ask her on a date."

"Fear of rejection?"


"I know how you feel."

"Just ask her out, she loves you I'm pretty sure." I smiled.

He smiled and looked back down to his phone. Pretty sure he was texting Jade.

Of course Jade loves him! It's not my place to say that she does. It's her job, not mine. 

I got up and went into the kitchen. I helped myself to two Up & Go's. 

Once I returned to the living room, I noticed a message displayed across my screen of my phone. 

Merry Christmas, darling! Hope London is good and those boys are treating you well! Hope you're having a good day! Lots of love, Mum, Dad, Matthew and Thomas xoxo

 Matthew and Thomas were my two younger brothers. I kind of forget to mention them, didn't I? 

Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you're all having a good day! Yeah London is great and the boys are treating me perfectly! Just having a relaxing day, don't have anything planned really. But I hope you're all having fun down in Australia! Missing you all heaps! Lots of love, your one and only daughter, Ursula xoxo

Mum didn't really say anything back except for 'missing you' and 'love you' and 'I bet one of the boys is treating you better than the rest' but I just ignored it. She said to say hi to lover-boy for her, referring to Harry. I ignored that, seeing how that wasn't true. I wanted to explain that there was no one but that would of been a lie and I didn't want to have her play twenty questions with me. 

For the rest of the day, I had messages from loads of friends wishing me a merry Christmas. I even had tweets from the boys' fans wishing me a merry Christmas, as well as the boys of course. I'm surprised I wasn't getting as much hate as I expected. I did get a bit but I never let that get to me, seeing how I'm the type of person where I don't care what people think of me. Of course a lot of the fans liked me, they all thought I was Niall's princess. I think it's cute that they think that but unfortunately I'm not. 

Jade got a fair bit of hate but Harry has tried to teach her not to care but sometimes she just does care what people think of her. She likes to have a good reputation. Not to be known as the one that is only going out with Harry for his fame. But she really loved him for him not for anything else. So I looked at Jades profile and saw quite a few fans wishing her a merry Christmas. She'll be happy about that. 

Later on in the day, the boys and Jade came back, but Niall had a present for me. Another one? Really? 

I opened it after he gave if to me wrapped in about a billion layers and gasped as I saw what it was. 


What is it? 

TEHE, find out next chapterrr!

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