Chapter Thirty-Four - Love Is Easy

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My eyelashes rose off my cheeks as I opened them gracefully, the dull light beaming in from the rain pounding on the window. I let out a sigh and allowed a smile to reach upon the corners of my lips.

I turned my head slowly in the crease of Niall's inner shoulder, focusing my eyes onto Niall's already wide opened crystal blue orbs. I smiled slightly as I stretched my arms tiredly, allowing my legs to reach out to the end of the bed as my toes didn't quite reach the end of the duvet.

"I should sing you to sleep more often," Niall whispered, his breath hot against my skin as his voice captivated me the moment I woke. I wanted to wake to this every morning. Pounding rain, tossed duvets in blinding white sheet bed, Niall's croaky morning voice harmonising in my ear beside me, and the cool air amidst his comfortable bedroom. 

"Why so?" I croaked, my voice weak with my tiredness.

"Because you slept so peacefully the whole night through." Niall half smiled, his lips slightly agape, allowing the view of his white braces showing through his pink tinted lips.

"You watched me sleep?" I joked, jerking my head upwards so my sight was in line with his. My gaze flicked over to his lips swiftly and back up to his glowing blue eyes. Feeling the urge to kiss his tender lips, I resisted, wanted to hear him speak more.

"No, you just didn't budge." Niall smiled, setting my heart into complete happiness.

"Niall, you're a heavy sleeper. You wouldn't feel a thing if I wacked you with a sledge hammer." I chuckled lightly, allowing the sounds of our laughs moudling perfecting to drift in the midst of the cool are that lingered within his bedroom, causing our bodies to stay under the warm covers.

"You're so cute," Niall breathed a laugh as his face moved inches closer to mine. His lips grew closer, turning his head slightly and opening his lips slightly to press against mine. 

I smiled before cheekily pressing my finger against his lips, not allowing him to kiss me. As much as I wanted it, I wanted to wait until after I gave him his gifts for his birthday. Yes, his birthday was yesterday but I didn't want to give it to him yesterday. 

Niall breathed a laugh, his hot breath soaring against my finger as his eyes crinkled as he smiled and his blue orbs stared into mine, pleadingly. I shook my head against his forehead, smiling widely. "It can wait." I whispered, my breath hot on his lips as his eyes roamed down to my lips, hungry for a sweet morning kiss. "I want to give you something first."

"Is it my kiss?" Niall raised an eyebrow as he released me, allowing myself to roll off the bed lazily and down to my suitcase. "In your dreams." I laughed as I kneeled beside my suitcase, unzipping it and revealing Niall's gifts.

I pulled them out carefully, placing the two items on the floor, gracefully wrapped in teletubbies wrapping paper before pulling out the large present that struggled in my suitcase.

I turned around, placing them all on the bed for Niall. I smiled as my eyes flicked to the presents and back to Niall.

"Aw, Ursula, you shouldn't have." Niall raised his eyebrows in guilt as his eyes roamed to the large looking present.

"I wanted to. Now, open them." I smiled. Niall rolled his eyes in defeat as they met mine.

Grabbing the first item, he carefully ripped open the wrapping, smiling at the wrapping paper. As the items in the paper rolled out, Niall grinned happily as his eyes turned back to me. A pair of Nike high tops tumbled onto the bed. White bulky looking shoes with a rich blue stripe down the sides. "I love them. Thank you." Niall smiled widely as he placed them on the side of the bed, reaching for the second wrapped present.

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