Chapter Twenty-Seven - Surprise

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I sat on the comfortable couch next to my beautiful new boyfriend, back in our house in London. We all took a quick break from the tour, as the boys had no concerts or interviews or signings. It was Eleanor's birthday today, and Louis had promised to be with her on her special day that she turns twenty one, so us being such caring people, we all organised to have dinner with her. 

Perrie's birthday was just a few days ago but the boys had to do a concert. She came along to see Zayn perform before they both headed off to a romantic dinner. 

Louis was nervously chucking ties around, asking me which one I thought looked best with his shirt. 

I chuckled lightly as he sighed heavily and slomped onto Niall's lap.

"Lou, it's okay." I smiled soothingly at him.

He gave me a frown and shook his head. "No, it's not." 

"Why isn't it okay?" I tilted my head slightly and gave him a confused glance. I stood up from my spot and walked over to his messy pile of ties.

"Because it's Eleanor." He muttered, climbing off Niall's lap.

"Lou, Eleanor isn't perfectionist. Although she is incredibly kind and absolutely beautiful." I smiled.

"She's perfect to me." He glanced up at me, pleading for help screamed in his eyes.

My eyebrows dragged upwards and an 'aw' escaped my lips. 

"Yeah, yeah. Now help me find something perfect enough for me to wear."

"Louis, being yourself is perfect enough for anyone, let alone El." 

Niall nodded in agreement and pursed his lips tightly.

Louis gave away a small smile and glanced down at his pile of messy ties.

"Suspenders, then?" He suddenly said.

"If that's what you feel comfortable in." I nodded. 

He smiled and planted a swift kiss on my cheek before running upstairs to change into his famous and usual outfit. Nice rolled-up-to-three-quarters pants, a plain dark shirt with white suspenders and a pair a Tom's to finish it off.

Niall watched him race upstairs and glanced down at me with a shocked smile plastered across his face. "You're incredible." 

"Jade's a lot like him, so I'm used it." 

"Usually we'd argue with him with what to wear and whatever we chose, he'd still object."

"You're welcome." I smiled cheekily before he planted a soft peck on my lips.

Louis returned downstairs, giving us an award winning smile and flashed us a thumbs up before entering the kitchen.

"What time are we leaving?" I heard Liam call out.

"Soon, so get ready! The limo shall arrive soon." Louis called back.

"Right, mate." Liam called back.

I turned around and laughed as Zayn ran across the wide door frame of the loungeroom in nothing but undies.

"That's something Harry would do, not you, Zayn." I laughed.

Right at that moment, Harry also ran past, completely starkus. I shut my eyes tightly and turned around, gasping into Niall's shirt. 

"Harry!" Niall scolded playfully.

"Sorry, Urs!" Harry yelled faintly.

"Same goes!" Zayn laughed.

I have the most perfect friends on the planet.

That Concert - One Direction [Niall Horan]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt