Chapter Thirty-One - Mullingar

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I shoved the last possible shirt I could fit into my small suitcase. I zipped it up after shoving my toiletries down the side. Niall sighed angrily as he couldn't fit his fourth pair of shoes into his bag. I rolled my eyes and smiled slightly. He was so darn cute.

I hauled my suitcase up from the bed and put it aside the door before opening it and strolling out towards the kitchen to grab a juice popper.

I opened the fridge and grabbed it on the door. I took giant gulps before Liam strode into the room.

"Where's Dani?" I asked, placing my popper on the counter.

"Having breakfast with El." Liam smiled.

"So, it's going to be a bit of a boys day today, will it?" I smiled.

"No, all the girls will be around. Perrie is coming later on and Harry has planned on taking Jade on a picnic on the beach." Liam announced to me.

"So the opposite to a boys day?"

"Pretty much," Liam smiled. "It's not the same without Nialler and you."

"Wasn't my choice, hun, he wanted to go back to Ireland for his birthday and he said he'd take me. I'm sorry. But I promise just us will have a day to ourselves when we come back." I said.

"No, I'm not angry at all that you're leaving with him, none of us are. We're happy for you. We think it's adorable. Niall is a bit of a hopeless romantic." 

"No, Liam, that's you. Niall's isn't romantic," I huffed jokingly.

"I'll miss you, Urs." Liam sighed. I pulled him into a brotherly hug, his arms tightening around my back and his head resting over my shoulder.

"We'll only be gone for a few days. We'll be back before you know it." I nodded. "Just to annoy you again." I smiled mischeviously.

"Looking forward to it," he smiled. "Ursula? Annoying? Pfft, that's ridiculous. Niall? Annoying? Now, I can believe that." Liam nodded jokingly.

"Oh, Liam, I know. He is pretty annoying. And I'll be alone with him for days!" I rolled my eyes in a joking matter.

"I'll always be a phone call away," Liam winked knowingly and I smiled, pulling him in for another hug.

"I'll miss you too, Liam." I gave him a kiss on his tender and soft cheek and he smiled. I strode towards my juice popper.

"Are we still on for that day alone?" Liam asked.

"We sure are." I smiled. 


"Thank you," I smiled, passing a bill to the taxi driver. He gave me a curt nod, accepted the money from my hand and drove away.

I sighed and turned towards Niall with our luggage beside him.

I took a suitcase and began strolling it inside as we reached the doors. 

People looked and noticed.

Niall's damn snap back gave it away.

A mob of screaming, sweaty girls ran towards us. I strolled my suitcase out of the crowd of incoming excited fans. I smiled reassuringly at Niall and gave him a nod.

The fans swarmed him and he smiled, greeting many of them and taking pictures as he sighed things for them. 

I knew this was going to happen so I was expecting it.

A young girl with long blonde hair smiled at me and handed me her hat with a pen shyly. "Can you please sign this for me, Ursula?" 

"Sure, lovely, what's your name?" I smiled down at her. I was much more experienced now so I knew how to act. Just like Jade. But Jade had a bit more attention than I did.

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