Chapter Sixteen - Another Lazy Day

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hey i updated in the same day, i'm home in my pjs all day listening to one direction so i'll probably update all of them and even start my Zayn one :) get excited guys! :)


Niall and I sat on the couch together, my legs laid across his lap and his feet perched up on the coffee table, watching Finding Nemo. It's been two weeks since Zayn's birthday, which all the boys went out drinking in the evening while Jade and I stayed home. Two weeks ago since Niall admitted to liking me, but surprisingly and luckily, it hasn't changed anything between us. Still the same as before he told all of us. But I was still not planning to tell him about my feelings.

I was in my dinosaur onesie and he was in long pyjama pants. Today, Niall and I were having another lazy day. Everyone was out, buying food and going places whereas Niall and I wanted to laze around on our asses all day. He insisted we have a movie day, I agreed, so we began with The Avengers, then Woman In Black, now Finding Nemo. Next he wanted to watch The Amazing Spiderman and I happily agreed. What? Not my fault that Andrew Garfield is so attractive.

My phone buzzed on the couch next to me and I glanced over at it to see a message displayed across the screen. Jade.

Why don't you get out of your pjs and come down to the shopping centre to have lunch with us? x

I unlocked my phone and replied.

Nah, thanks anyway, we're happy where we are at the moment. Sorry, babe. xx

I locked it once again and continued watching the movie.

The house was clean and everyone was getting ready to start packing their bags. Next week, One Direction's 2013 world tour began. The first stop was in London for about two days, then we were off to Scotland. We were all packing a lot but we were going to go shopping in a lot of the countries we were visiting on the tour.

"I never thought you could do that to jellyfish." Niall spoke softly, interrupting my thoughts.

"Neither did I," I agreed.

"That was a bit random, wasn't it." Niall broke out a perfect smile as he faced me.

"Yeah, just a tad." I laughed

Niall flung my legs off of him. "Hey!" I yelped. He flew over to me rapidly and sat much closer to me then expected.

"Hi," he smiled sheepishly.

"You stink, go have a shower, you filthy animal." I waved my hand in front on my face mockingly and laughed.

"You're so terrible at trying not to laugh, did you notice?" He laughed at me, his eyes locking with mine. His beautiful cloudless beach sky eyes hypnotised me. His lips began to grow each end and he winked at me.

"No, I did not notice such a strange thing." I protested.

"No, Jimmy protested!" We both laughed simultaneously.

"I'm guessing you saw that video diary?" Niall smiled.

"Yeah, of course I did. Jade and I were huge fans before we knew you."

"So the ones from the X Factor too?"

"Yeah, if not I wouldn't have known Louis had said that. Everyone absolutely adores your laugh in the diaries."

Niall looked down at his chewed away nails and managed to smile perfectly.


"Yeah, your laugh is famous. So are your hugs."

"My hugs, hey? Do you want one?"

Of course I'd kill for a Horan Hug but that was before I even knew him. Now that I'd hugged him several times before, I still wanted them. But not in the fan way. In the loving way.

"I'll have one later. We're sitting at the moment." I smiled, our eyes locking on each other once again. Why was it that every time I looked at him, I could feel something so strong? I don't love him. He doesn't love me. Just likes me.



"Remember the Truth or Dare game?" I couldn't believe I was bringing this up. It always looked like he didn't want to talk about it around me.

He sighed deeply and forced a smile. Probably a fake one. "Yeah."

I paused and looked him in the eyes, his strong blue orbs burning into my green eyes.

He glanced down at my lips and looked back up to my eyes. He smirked.

Before I knew it, I felt myself wrapping my arms around his neck, crashing my lips onto his. He responded by placing his hands on my waist and pushing me upwards, forcing both of us to stand. I couldn't stop now. I was enjoying this more than anything else.

He was walking me around the room, lips still pressed together. Our tongues mingling with each other perfectly.

I pulled away reluctantly and took a deep breath. "Niall, I-"

"Shut up." he mumbled, his lips pressing against mine again. I smiled in the kiss which made his hands run down my back. I ran my fingers through his silky brown hair at the back and clenched my fist in a handful of hair, resulting Niall to groan pleasurably.

Now, we walked until something hard came in contact with my back. The wall. I didn't bother to stop. He had me up against the wall and he was kissing me, I didn't want to ruin it. He was so into it and so was I. I couldn't hear anything besides the heavy breathing of both of us and the sensational feeling of his lips on mine with our tongues mingling and dancing in our mouths.

Niall's hand moved down from my back and reached my leg, hauling it up next to his. I felt a bulge in his trousers. Now, it's gone a little too far. I pulled away reluctantly and he glanced at me puzzled.

"Are you okay?" He asked, panting.

"Yeah, fine." I strode over towards the couch and tried to avoid his face.

"Ursula, if I did anything wrong, I'm sorry." He said solemnly.

I instantly felt bad and couldn't resist the urge to kiss him again. I spun around and ran towards him. I jumped and he caught me, my legs wrapped around his waist and my fingers entwining through his soft hair.

I crashed my lips against his again and he smiled before entering his tongue again.

Suddenly, the front door swung open and to our surprise, we were right in the view of the door.

Louis stood frozen at the door and Harry's jaw dropped.

I jumped off of Niall instantly and felt my cheeks burn into a deep dark red.

"So, this is what happens when we go out and you two are here alone." Louis gaped.

"This is the first time it's happened. I swear." Niall protested.

"Yah, what he said." I agreed. I couldn't face them, my face was too flushed. My heart raced, ten billion beats per second.

"Ah, I see. Oh well, nice to see you two are finally dating!" Liam smiled.

"We aren't." Niall said, looking down towards the floor. He looked sad.

"Oh, looked like you two are." Zayn laughed.

"You two were just snogging like you've never snogged before." Harry said in exasperation.

"That is the first time we've snogged." I said quietly, almost a whisper.

"You don't sound like you regret it. Do you?" Louis asked.

"Of course I don't." I smiled towards Niall. He returned the smile and his whole face lit up cheerfully.

Of course I wouldn't regret it, I was the one who kissed him.

And I love him.


oh wowzies. okay bye, updating soon. xoxoxo

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