Chapter Five - Felt Like Home

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OKAY, so i updated for you lovelies, hope you liike and yeah, enjoy! 


“Oh my sweet mother of corn. We’re meeting Liam, Louis and Zayn.” Jade hyperventilated. I laughed as I turned the wheel and turned into a short alleyway looking street, staying behind Harry’s car.

“Calm down, missy moo,” I said calmly, “you weren’t like this with Harry.”

“You weren’t even with us, you just ran off somewhere else with Niall.”

“Yeah, ‘cause we wanted to leave you two love birds alone! Wasn’t my idea, I swear, it was Niall’s.”

“Niall thinks we’re love birds?” She beamed excitedly next to me.

“Yeah,” I smile, “so do I!”

“Yes I know that! You and Niall are so cute!”

“Jade, we aren’t together, and I don’t plan on anything happening.”

“What? Why?” She questioned me, concerned.

“I don’t know, I just don’t see him in that way.” I say, turning into another street. How far was their apartment?

“Oh, but you two are so perfect together!” Jade whines.

“I don’t really see it, I’m sorry Jade.” I shrug.

“No, don’t be sorry. You’re my best friend and I’ll always be with you on whatever decision you make, don’t worry.” She looks back in front of us to see the boys only turning another street. I take a quick glance at Jade and then back on the road.

“I know there is something else you want to say. Come out with it.”

“It’s just; I see the way Niall looks at you. I know I only just met him but I even saw the way he would not take his eyes off your all concert last night and now today he was looking at you so lovingly. Niall’s not really a romantic type, Ursula, you know his into his friends and having fun rather than girls, and now this is, like, the first time I’ve seen Niall like this.” She blurted out. I was stunned by her comment. She was right though, Niall isn’t the romantic type of guy, he wasn’t like Harry. And I do see the way he looks at me, it’s so cute. But I can’t help that I don’t have feelings for him in that way.

“Jade, I know. I do get you and understand you but I just can’t help but see him as a friend. I don’t want to lose him though, trust me! But I just want to be friends, really good friends with him.”

Jade sighed next to me and smiled. “Okay, Urs. Okay, I understand.”  

We finally pull up in the driveway of an apartment building and turn into the parking lot. We park the car with the boys’ car and I turn to Jade before she let herself out.

“Jade, act calm and laid back, don’t freak out, okay? They like it when fans are all like ‘yeah whatever’. Okay so please don’t fangirl in front of them. You can fangirl once we get back to the car.”

“Okay, Ursula. Calm down, I won’t freak out.” She laughed. We unbuckled our seatbelts and hopped out of the car to spot the boys waiting a few meters away from the car.

“Hey. Follow us and we’ll lead you to the boys.” Harry smiled. Jade breathed calmly and I let out a soft laugh at her reaction.

We went through a black back door from behind the building and walked up flights of stairs. Once we reached the floor they were staying on, Jade and I peered over the railing to the very bottom floor and saw the mob of fans screaming and waving posters around. I giggled slightly until Niall wrapped his arm around my waist and swung me around towards the corridor.

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