Chapter Seventeen - Something Different

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"You know what we haven't done yet?" Niall suddenly spoke up from an eerie uncomfortable silence.

"Had sex?" Harry chimed, giving us all a serious expression before breaking his famous cheeky grin.

"No, shut up, Haz." Niall laughed, waving his hand dismissively.

"What is it that we supposedly haven't done yet?" I laughed at Harry's comeback and turned my attention to Niall who also had a serious expression.

"We haven't done something, like outside the house. Just the two of us." He said. If he was asking me on a date, then I would of loved to go. I know this sounds so lazy but I have not left the house since I moved here. I am no where near social. I don't like people in general. Jade was the one that could get along so easily with people she didn't even know. Not in the slightest bit she would know them and she could get along with them like she knew them for years, whereas I always called myself an awkward person, it was hard for me to get along with people because I am so quiet with people I didn't know. A reason why I found it so odd that I got along with these boys so easily. Besides the fact that I was a huge fan of them before I moved in and such with them.

"So what do you say?" Niall snapped me out of my endless thoughts, turning my attention back to him and finding his face with a broad smile plastered across his lips.

"Uh," I pondered for a moment, thinking whether or not I should accept. A thing I was most afraid of was the fans, even if they did like me, I was afraid we were going to get pictures taken, videos filmed and we'd get followed while the aim of the time was to be alone. "I'd love to."

Saying that we'd be alone outside of the house also scared me a little. I love him, but I wasn't sure if he loves me. Niall and I have been oddly kind with each other for the past few days, ever since we had our little 'snog session' as the boys call it. Luckily Jade didn't see it, I'd never hear the end of it. Since the day that the boys walked in on us kissing, the boys have claimed on several occasions that we've been flirting non-stop. Well, I wouldn't say we haven't. Every now and then he'll come up behind me, wrap his strong arms around my torso, and caress my neck with kisses. Or he'd kiss on me on the cheek every time he saw me or left my sight. And the funny thing was, I fell in love with him even harder every time he'd press his lips against me. The feeling of his lips on mine or on my neck or cheek made shivers run down my spine and goosebumps covering my whole body, butterflies exploding in my stomach. A smile couldn't help but make it's way to my lips, and once Niall saw that I liked it, he'd whisper in my ear that he liked me, the sound of his soft strong Irish accent filling my ear made another load of butterflies explode.

I shivered at the thought of him wrapping his arms around me tenderly and swaying with me. He was so romantic when he had fallen deeply.

Wait, fallen deeply? How would I know if he had?

He's not in love with me. He might like me but definitely not love me.

"Go and have a shower, Urs. We'll leave soon. If you want?" Niall raised his eyebrows at me and gestured for me to get off my ass for once and have a shower.

I lazily stood up off the stool I had been sitting on ever since I had woken up. "Yes, sir."

I took slow steps towards the bathroom. The staircase was the struggle as I hauled myself up each step. I eventually got my clothes out of my bedroom and entered the bathroom once Zayn was done perfecting his dark brown quiff. I placed my fresh outfit on the side of the bath and closed the door. I stripped out of my onesie. I gasped as the cold London air, that had come in by the windows, hit my bare body. I turned the taps on staright away and made the water warm enough for me to step in the large area known as the shower.

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