Chapter Twelve - New Years

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woop, updated twice in one day, yaya go me!

hope you like it guyssssss.


"Stop wearing that thing, Ursula." Louis laughed. Eleanor sat next to him and laughed at what I was wearing.

"I like it, okay? If you don't then don't look at me." I smiled cheekily.

"Yeah, just because Niall got it for you," he winked. 

"Leave Niall out of this! And I love my dinosaur onesie. So be quiet, Louis William Tomlinson."

I know Louis hates it when I use his full name in a joking situation. Zayn and Eleanor laughed. 

"Don't use my full name, Ursula Alang Clarkson."

Ugh, I hate it when people use my full name so I guess I was being a bit hypocritical. 

"Shut up, the both of you!" Harry yelled, laughing.

I ran over to the couch where Jade was watching Adventure Time. I jumped over the side and joined her. Adventure Time was the best cartoon show! We love it. We always watch it together. 

Today was New Years Eve. So tonight, we were staying up and doing the count down. We all believe, especially Jade, in New Years Kiss. But Jade and Harry got all of that sorted out. But who was I going to kiss? Niall? I don't think he'd want to kiss me back. And we aren't even together, so that would be a bit edgy. Perrie was coming over in a few hours and Eleanor was already here. Jessica, Liam's new love, might've been coming over. They've been textin each other so much lately. I guess she never forgot about him, no matter how drunk she was. 

Yesterday I talked to Niall about what he said to me at Louis' party and he told me that he never forgot it. 


"How could I forget a conversation with someone that means a lot to me?" Niall managed to break out a perfect smile.

"I don't know, I guess I just thought you would of forgotten, you know, 'cause you were drunk." 

"No, I never forgot." There it is again, that smile that makes me melt inside.

"Wait, I mean a lot to you?" I asked, furrowing my eyes in confusion, wanting to hear him say it again. 

"Of course you do, why wouldn't you?" He said.

"I thought we were friends?" I questioned.


*******END OF FLASHBACK********

He said I meant a lot to him but yet I think he thinks that I friend-zoned him! Oh no! 

That's okay, I can just try and hint to him that he means more than a friend to me. 

Adventure Time finished and we all went to get dressed for the day. Perrie came over, which Jade and I were more than happy to have a conversation with and wouldn't let Zayn have her. After a long conversation that Liam was on over the phone with Jessica, he finally convinced her and she ended up coming over. We all met her properly and she was happily sitting with Eleanor having a talk about modelling, which was something she wanted to do. 

I went and sat over with Niall, swung my legs over his lap and smiled at him.

"Hello, miss dino. What are you up to?" His perfect irish accent rang. 

"Nothing much, just want to chill with my bro- partner." I cleared my throat awkwardly. Did I nearly say brother? Gosh, stop trying to be his friend and actually sound like you want to be with him. Hint it to him, Ursula! 

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