Chapter 4 - The Train Station

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Chapter 3 recap: A strange dream got onto Hajime and he was in the same world he was in chapters 1, and 2, but this
time he was found two kids wearing a pumpkin and a skeleton costume named Skid and Pump. An argument and a battle between them had occurred out of nowhere, but Hajime suddenly realized that it was a dream, or is it? We will find out.

Chapter 4 - The Train Station

Hajime: Okay, we have to figure if we should move to somewhere else or not.
Girlfriend: I don't think so...

Boyfriend: Beep (We should stay)

Hajime: okay we should stay (Hope Chiaki comes...)

Boyfriend: Boop! (Who are you?!)

???: How do you not remember me?

Hajime: Put that gun down now!

???: Never, I had to go through a school shooting!

Girlfriend: Hajime, he's named Pico. Pico has a backstory in where it was a normal school day where the teacher was teaching a lesson, but a girl started to shoot the teacher, and that's what caused the school shooting on his school.

Hajime: well... that's pretty dark!

Pico: Rap battle me or you will die!

Boyfriend: Beep baboop. (Maybe)

The three songs that you fight against Pico are Pico, Blammed, and Philly. The first song is Pico. (Basically after his name lol)

Hajime: (Maybe if I know someone who can stop this...)

Hajime: (I know I should call ****** *****)

Hajime: (What the? Since when did it get censored?! Were the readers doing this??)

Creator: read this (No spoilers, and No fourth wall breaks!)

The next song was Philly... and to be honest, I'm really sure it started with the boyfriend saying this line after Pico "Big ol' bunny".

Girlfriend started crying a little after each miss the boyfriend made, Hajime was confused why she was crying.

Hajime: (Why is she crying?)

Then the last song was Blammed. It was really weird for Hajime listening to the song because he never heard of that one either...

Hajime: (when will this end?!)

Girlfriend: Nice, we won!

Hajime: (Already?!)

Now it was Hajime's turn to do the Nonstop Debate.


Pico: Why are the words flying around the screen? (I heard this one already)

Girlfriend: Not this!! (Oh heck yes!)

Boyfriend: S-S (No way)

Boyfriend: Sugoi! (HES SPEAKING WEEB!!!) (THIS IS ILLEGAL nah jk)

Hajime: it's another nonstop debate.

Girlfriend: it's not a nonstop Debate, in fact, where did you get it?

Hajime: No, that's wrong!

Hajime: it's probably Danganronpa making me do this.

Girlfriend: Oh, it's a weird explanation, but it's weird that I did it for the first time...

??? POV:

???: It's gotta be Hiyoko! I know it's her!

???: Yeah, she keeps calling my outfit puke green!

Hiyoko: It's not me! I swear!

A portal suddenly appears out of nowhere sending Hiyoko to the dimension Hajime was in...

Hope you like this small chapter because I may be doing one the next three days, or if I have time, or if I get positive reviews about this chapter, I will make the next chapter sooner.

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