Chapter X6 - Meeting Again

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Chapter X6 - Meeting Again

Time: XX/XX/XX

Unrecorded CarlosYT: Huh?! Nothing changed?! But how?! It's something I never expected to happen.

Demetrios: It's a simulation, that's why nothing changed.

Aak: Well, at least nothing nad happened.

Unrecorded CarlosYT: A letter?

Unrecorded CarlosYT reads the letter.

"Hello CarlosYT, I wonder how you're doing. Please meet me at the north of Sargnia to it's border. Make sure you come with anything you need with you. I'll be waiting."

Unrecorded CarlosYT: From Roselia...

Unrecorded Kaito: Kinda forgot that band existed...

Unrecorded CarlosYT: We'll go altogether, let's go everyone.

The team walks to the north border of Sargnia and see a concert hall.

Melina: Seems that this is the only building that is normal than all of Sargnia destroyed buildings.

Unrecorded CarlosYT: Agreed, but why did the enemies decide not to damage this place?

Aak: Probably because this is the last existing concert hall in this universe.

Demetrios: Can be a probable reason.

Unrecorded Kaito: Exaclty... but let's enter. (Hopefully there are enemies I can stab with my dagger.)

The team heads inside the concert.

The team heads inside the concert

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???: So you finally made it.

Unrecorded CarlosYT: ... Aren't you...

Yukina: Yes, it's me, Yukina Minato.

Unrecorded Kaito: You barely changed at all.

Yukina: But one thing has changed...

Unrecorded CarlosYT: ?

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