Chapter 44 - The Shopping Mall Another

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Mod creator(s): Multiple people
Credits go to those people.

Mod creator(s): Multiple peopleCredits go to those people

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Chapter 44 - The Shopping Mall Another

Boyfriend: [Sighing] I'm leaving to see if Nosquie has a mall...

Girlfriend: Wait up The Boyfriend! I'm coming with you.

Boyfriend: Okay The Girlfriend, let's go to Nosquie.

The Boyfriend and Girlfriend travel to Nosquie to search for a mall (probably to calm themselves down from what happened in the club...)

Location - Nosquie, the semi-ruined city

Location - Nosquie Shopping Mall

Boyfriend: I think this is the place-

Boyfriend: I mean beep boop

Ewella, Carol, Hex, and Whitty come in and see The Boyfriend..

Ewella: Why is he like that?

The Girlfriend: It's his normal language-

The Girlfriend: It's his normal language-

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Macy: Hm?

Macy: Oh! It's you! Zuki's little rapper cousin dude!

Macy: She's always telling me stories about who you go up against!

Macy: Like that Norwegian dude... oh, and my old boxing coach Matt too!

Macy: You know, he called me his best student?

Macy: Wait, I'm getting sidetracked here.

Macy: What's up?

Boyfriend: Badaboopbeep babup

Macy: want ME to be your next opponent?

Macy: :Uhh...

Macy: Can't say I'm the best but sure, why not! I always like a little competition.

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