Chapter X2 - World Dreamers' Future

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Required Memory Fragments to unlock this chapter: 1500

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Chapter X2 - World Dreamers' Future

Melina: So...

Melina: You're saying that after you attacked some enemy, you vanished to here?

Aak: Yes...

Aak: But...

Melina: ?

Aak: Nevermind, I forgot what to say...

Melina: Ah, okay.

Once they got to the resistance base...

Melina: Welcome to the resistance base, please don't get too comfortable here...

Aak: O-Okay.

Aak and Melina walk to the central part of the base.

Aak and Melina walk to the central part of the base

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???: So, you bought a survivor, right Melina?

Melina: Yes, I did. They simply complied to your orders.

Aak: May I ask who you are?

???: Who I am?

CarlosYT: CarlosYT.

Aak: (Wait, it can't be?)

Aak: (How did CarlosYT end up like this?)

Aak: My name is Aak.

CarlosYT: Aak...

Unrecorded CarlosYT: I can barely remember the name... I first heard it from somewhere...

Aak: Enough of that, what place is this?

Melina and Unrecorded CarlosYT: How come you don't know of this place?

Melina and Unreocrded CarlosYT: It's Sargnia!

Aak: (How did Sargnia end up like this?)

Aak: (It was fine before, but how did it turn into a mess?)

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