Chapter 32 - The Vanilla Kingdom

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Chapter 31 Recap: The group heads back to Nosquie after Mashiro (and Shuichi) joins the group to help them figure out what Project Scremamel truly is

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Chapter 31 Recap: The group heads back to Nosquie after Mashiro (and Shuichi) joins the group to help them figure out what Project Scremamel truly is. The group finds out that there were people in the destroyed building, and one of them catches the attention of someone in the group, being Carol. They rap battle her and win, until they forget about Hex, the character they faced in Chapter 15. The group and Carol rushes to an area with pods that lead to the dream world. CarlosYT types in Hex, and the group saves him from that dream world and head back to reality, and finally start running towards the vanilla kingdom.

Chapter 31 - The Vanilla Kingdom

Mashiro: [Running] Where is that kingdom you're talking about?

Kaito: [Running] The kingdom should have a guard with an extremely long sword, he'll tell you if you have the requirements or not.

Heidi: [Running] ("show it to the guard that has the longest sword, that guard will let you and anyone you bring in.")

Heidi: Wait, let me check my phone. (Glad I bought my phone that has cellular data in it.)

Heidi types in maps "vanilla kingdom" and find out that they are very close to it.

Heidi: We are close to it!

CarlosYT: Got it!

Guard: So you've come to the Vanilla Kingdom? Let me see the items...

Ewella shows the items to the guard.

Guard: Enjoy your stay in the Vanilla Kingdom.

Location: Vanilla Kingdom main entrance

AprilYT: Wow, I've never seen the Vanilla Kingdom like this.

Len: Ain't you surprised? It's made out of anything that tastes vanilla. Heck, the people here are still humans and live with it as a day to day thing, peacefully.

CarlosYT: Aren't you from this place Len?

Len: Not really, I come from the Japan in your world, so don't be stupid.

Hajime: Although it looks sweet, we shouldn't eat it.

Hiyoko: Or else what?

Hajime points to the person who is being under arrest for trying to destroy a building.

Hiyoko: Oh I get it-

Mistrare: It's like if you eat something made of vanilla...

Girlfriend and Boyfriend: you go to jail.

Villager A: Hello, please have these strawberry cookies!

Whitty: (Strawberry...?)

Renri: Thank you!

Villager A: No problem!

Villager B: Visit us at 'En la Róse' if you have time!

A horn happens to sound meaning that a memorial is about to begin (fun fact: These memorials which are a made up event happen every year in 6/25 over the Chronos war.)

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