Chapter 41 - Magia Academy's TV show

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Side stories from chapters 40 to 55 won't have a recap of the previous chapters

Chapter 41 - Magia Academy's TV Show

Boyfriend: Hey, Heidi. Don't you think we should visit the place after we met you?

Heidi: You mean Magia Academy, right?

Boyfriend: Yeah... that place where people there create things with magic.

Heidi: Okay then... but, I will bring Mayu with us since she doesn't have anywhere to learn.

Boyfriend: That can't be a problem.

Location - Magia Academy: Entrance

Girlfriend: And that's all you need to know about Magia Academy, and the adventure without you.

Neon: That's interesting, but kinda cooler than my adventure.

Boyfriend: Hi Girlfriend and Neon!

Girlfriend & Neon: Hi The Boyfriend!

Mayu: So this is Magia Academy? It just looks like a normal school...

Heidi: It's not a normal school. The way it was built was using magic, that tries to deceive people's eyes until you know how it was built.

Mayu: Oh, that is more strange than any normal school like the school I would attend to.

Girlfriend: Well, anyways, I just wanted to say that the academy is actually hosting their own television show... and to be more specific, a singing contest on television.

Heidi: And what else?

Girlfriend: It turns out that I had to sign up all of us for the contest.

Boyfriend: What are we waiting for? Let's do this!

Location - Magia Academy: 2nd Floor East Hallway

Television Reporter: Welcome to Magia Academy's first TV show.

Nathan (Television Reporter): I'm your host Nathan and we will meet up with eight contestants on a five versus three competition!

Nathan (Television Reporter): Now let's welcome the first team. Solar lights, featuring The Boyfriend, the Girlfriend, Heidi, Mayu, and someone from a different world, Neon!

???: Hey, our team is doing this by one person at a time...

Nathan (Television Reporter): Solar lights is going to be against the challenger one by one.

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