Don't seal the creator ending

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You cannot change to the other ending until completing this... or unless you're a dirty cheater, go for it, no one is stopping you.

CarlosYT: Although you created this world into one by colliding multiple dimensions...

CarlosYT: There is no other reason... but to accept you as a party member.

Creator: You do?

CarlosYT: Yes.

Creator: Okay, I will do my-

The creator starts to laugh about CarlosYT's statement.

CarlosYT: [Angry] What's so funny?!

Creator: Ahahahahahahahaha, you utter fool!

Creator: Did you think you would befriend me?

Creator: I said, I won't allow anyone to fuckin' befriend me.

Creator: Even if I did, I wouldn't. No matter how many times you asked for me to accompany you.

Everyone else: ?!

Creator: Well, you gave me veeeeery perfect opportunity to use my last resort.

Boyfriend: What do you mean last resort?!

Creator: When I'm using the last resort, I am able to obliterate every single one of you, including this world, this universe, other books, other apps, other games, and other devices within just a single second once I say the specific word.

CarlosYT: (I feel like I made a huge mistake, I should have reconsidered my choice.)

The creator shoots a laser towards CarlosYT

Neon: Look out!

Neon then pushes CarlosYT out of the way, only to be obliterated.

Darkeenox: [Angry] HOW DARE YOU!!

Darkeenox then rushes to attack the creator, only to be obliterated as well.

Aak: Take this shot, will you?

Aak attempts to shoot the creator, but ended up being obliterated.

Heidi: We will sing the creator, and sing as long as possible.

Heidi tried to sing but was obliterated before she started singing.

Creator: This is sooo entertaining. Killing off your friends one by one. You stand no chance against me

Hajime, Shuichi, and Chiaki: No! That's wrong!

Creator: Silence!

The creator obliterates the trio for wasting his time by refusing his statement.

Ewella and Kaito: [Both Insane] Do you want to be left with little to no trace of blood?

Ewella and Kaito throw their weapons towards the creator, but get obliterated after their weapons miss him.

Mistrare: Clarte, please... allow me to back you up.

Mistrare activates Lunatic and shoots the creator, but misses, ending to be obliterated as well.

Creator: Resistance is futile, just fuckin' give up already!

Len: Alright, it's time to show off... Lunar Eclipse!

Len attacks the creator, but he was invulnerable to the attack.

Creator: How about Solar Eclipse?

Len gets obliterated after attempting to use the Ultimate Skill on him.

Mashiro: Please, Kasumi, Saya, Rimi, Tae, Arisa, Ran, Himari, Tsugumi, Moca, Tomoe, Aya, Maya, Eve, Hina, Chisato, Yukina, Lisa, Rinko, Ako, Sayo, Kokoro, Michelle, Hagumi, Kaoru, Kanon, Tsukushi, Rui, Nanami, Touko, Layer, Chu2, Masking, Pareo, and Lock. Please, help me defeat him.

A magic circle surrounds Mashiro and the Creator, but fails.

Creator: How about I use the abyssal magic circle.

Mashiro gets obliterated by the abyssal magic circle

Volk: [Furious] You'll pay for this!!

Creator: Not today.

The creator obliterates Volk and leaves some others unharmed

Creator: I'm tired of this. May I end you with this last touch?

Creator: Darkest... NOVA!!

The creator obliterates everyone but CarlosYT, leaving him at 1 HP.

CarlosYT: Although I have power left, I will try to defeat you... ONCE AND FOR ALL!!

Creator: Try me, you don't stand a chance.

CarlosYT attempts Crystal Attack, but fails due to his health being low.

Creator: That's all? Lame...

Creator: Oh, what does this button do? Boom, deleteriusalemaikura!

Creator: It's time for me to obliterate everything, by leaving everything to darkness.

The creator summons an super ultra black hole on his position sucking up every universe, book, app, game, and devices.

??? - ??? - ???

Creator: Hmph... now that I've gotten the souls of those who recently challenged me are now under my control.

The creator reveals his army of what happens to be an army of brutal and fallen characters depicted on a extremely scary way I can't see for myself.

CarlosYT: (I should have known...)

CarlosYT: (That you shouldn't befriend him...)

CarlosYT: (All my hard effort, of both me and my allies are all gone...)

CarlosYT: (Every character from every book now has to find a place to reside in, including myself.)

CarlosYT: (It was a good run, but things had to end up like this...)

CarlosYT: (For how dumb I was.)

CarlosYT: (I wished we sought for another path... but sadly, fate had different plans for now.)

CarlosYT: (For me, Akaira, Maki, Zhungul, Kaiwo, Akira, ProtoZ, Deadly Sins, Agito Uprising, and White Black Roses...)

CarlosYT: (They never existed as if...)

CarlosYT: (The miracle never existed...)

Seven admins remain...

You are forced to restart from Chapter 1 - The Fated Meeting

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