Chapter S2 - A different dimensional Christmas Holiday...?

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Chapter S2 - A different dimensional Christmas Holiday

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Chapter S2 - A different dimensional Christmas Holiday

Location: Sargnia

Time: 12/25/2022, 8:47 AM

Boyfriend: Geez, we've got to see some battles, but I wonder where CarlosYT got the adventurers sword...

CarlosYT: Well, it all started since I met my next team member Len, in Aperio Forest, claimed by Asuro, the demon king of Wind.

CarlosYT: But, I'll tell you when we get to this mall my sister has booked.

1 New Message!

Girlfriend: Hold on...

AprilYT: Hey, come to Fifestrier Beta District, we'll talk things over in this private yet abandoned mall.

Girlfriend: Uh, Alright.

CarlosYT: Well then, I had something up my sleeves with this sword, it's a spell I had when I had to reach the Hero's Altar.

Boyfriend: And that is?

CarlosYT: Hold onto me.

The Boyfriend and The Girlfriend get onto CarlosYT's back.

CarlosYT: Get ready...

CarlosYT points his sword to the sky.

CarlosYT: Fly Away, Fifestrier Beta District!

The Adventurers Sword CarlosYT is holding starts to fly to CarlosYT's preferred location while CarlosYT is holding the sword alongside with The Boyfriend and The Girlfriend.

Boyfriend: Woah, this is too way up.

CarlosYT: Don't try to get off me, otherwise I won't be able to save you from a 35K fall.

Boyfriend: G-Got it!

Some time later...

Location: Fifestrier - Beta District

CarlosYT: (Now we have to find that mall my sister told me.)

CarlosYT: Hmmm? (Heidi? Why is she wearing that?)

CarlosYT: [Yelling] Hey Heidi!

Heidi: [To CarlosYT] Is there anything I can do?

CarlosYT: Why are you dressed like that?

Heidi: Simple, to make the occasion for the Christmas in Fifestrier a little more special.

CarlosYT: Ah, okay.

Heidi: Anyways, let's go to the mall AprilYT has booked, shall we?

Boyfriend: Alright!

Girlfriend: Tell us where it is-

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