Intermission 1 - Unrecorded Memory Part 2

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Original publish date: July 5, 2021
Sora goes to LINUJ
Credits go to them

Creator: I'm not sure if this chapter contains spoilers to some Danganronpas, but I'm saying that it might have spoilers to Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair, Killing Harmony, and a fan game being Danganronpa Another 2: The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair (Game is in Korean by the way.)

Chapter 30 Recap: The group heads back to Sargnia to find out the mysterious person who they have forgotten, but they never met

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Chapter 30 Recap: The group heads back to Sargnia to find out the mysterious person who they have forgotten, but they never met. They end up to three different places, the beach, StarLucks, and Sawonaima High School. The group ends up meeting a girl by the name of Mashiro Kurata, who happens to be the leader of a band called Morfonica. Mashiro asks the group to rehearse for two songs, the group agrees and rehearses for the two songs. Some time passed after the two songs, the creator sped up time making it night time, and change the background (because he was bored), and four more people joined in with Mashiro, two of them being from RAISE A SUILEN, another Morfonica member, and the leader of Roselia. The group had to face against three bands altogether with one of the songs of RAISE A SUILEN, EXPOSE 'Burn out!!!'. The group wins against the three bands, and time happens to go back to where it was, and the background changed back to normal. The group allows Mashiro to join their party, but some guy comes in to kill Whitty, the group and Mashiro makes a run to the cruise ship successfully... but Hajime remembers something he did in the past.

Intermission 1 - Unrecorded Memory Part 2

???: Wake up!

???: Wake up! [Angrily] Oh my god, just wake up!

Hajime: Huh?!

Hajime: Who are you?

Shuichi: I'm Shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective, you're supposed to be Hajime Hinata, right?

Hajime: How did you know about me?

Shuichi: Well... in the final trial of the 53rd killing game.

Hajime: Okay, thanks for that. I thought I completely forgot about that.

???: Hey, the creator needs us to come.

Hajime: Who are you?!

Sora: I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Sora. I have no ultimate talent.

Hajime: Wait what?! Only one student can own a unique talent!

Sora: Not in this "killing game." It turns out multiple students can have similar, or multiple talents altogether.

A Body has been discovered!

Sora: Already?

Hajime: It has to be in that retro diner place!

Shuichi: Good eye, we should go there.

Sora, Hajime, and Shuichi run to the retro diner at the same time, finding the others.

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