Chapter 53 - Forbidden Likes

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Chapter 53 - Forbidden Likes

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Chapter 53 - Forbidden Likes

Boyfriend's POV:

Boyfriend: Maybe I should Invite Hex to play this game...

Boyfriend leaves his room and searches in the 3rd V.I.P room and finds Hex Ewella, and Shuichi in.

Boyfriend: [Opens the door] Hey Hex! Want to play with me in my room? I found a cool game on V.I.P room 2.

Hex: Okay, I'll join in, and Carol should join as well.

Boyfriend: [Nods] Okay!

Boyfriend opens V.I.P room 1 and sees Carol is playing the game Boyfriend was trying to explain.

Carol: Oh, what does this button do?

Hex, and Boyfriend: WAIT NOOO—

Hex, Carol, and The Boyfriend get sucked into a different world...

Before continuing, choose the assists

Before continuing, choose the assists

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016: Oh damn, I uh, accidentally opened another portal lol

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016: Oh damn, I uh, accidentally opened another portal lol.

Carol: Where are we?

016: My apologies, I just brought Liz back from another dimension.

016: Instead of closing the portal I opened another one, and I accidentally brought u guys here.

Boyfriend: Beep bop bi bip

016: You guys seem to like music...hmm

Hex: Of course we do!

Boyfriend: bip bop ba bop?

Hex: [Translates] He says if he wants to rap battle.

016: Rap battle you say?

Liz: Oh, Miss 016, can I?

016: Uh sure, go ahead.

The first song for this chapter is Classroom, and no. It's not an actual classroom. (Song below)

Liz: Woah! You have a great voice!

Boyfriend: beep bop

016: Not as great as mine tho.

Carol: what

Liz: Can we sing another song?

016: no

Liz: Why not? ):

016 and Hex: We were just jokin' kid, of course.

Liz: Yay!

The second song for this chapter is 'Forbidden Love', and yes, I almost named the whole chapter like this, but I don't want to make this chapter feel like "romance-y" or anything like that.

016: Heh, not bad not bad, what if we try a real battle theme this time?

Liz: Oh I love the battle theme!

Carol: Huh?

016: Ya see, in this world, which is mine btw, a lot of events and locations have actual music playing in the background

016: like in video games or movies heh.

Carol: Ohh, that sounds cool!

Boyfriend: beep boop ba?

016: Also, this is the last song, I'll take u guys back to ur universe...or dimension, idk both words mean da same to me.

Hex: Okay ):

Liz: Awww ): okay.

The last song is Battle, which is supposed to be the battle theme song in Liz/016's game according to me, I haven't played the game, and I'm not sure if it's on computer :/ (Song below)

I couldn't find the song because of other mods like Rasazy, Entity, etc appeared instead :(
... Sorry.

016: Well, it seems you three are good enough, although I have to send you three back to the current dimension you're supposed to be in.

Boyfriend: Ah, thanks! We need to prepare for our next adventure!

016: Ah, okay, I see. Then good luck!

Carol: See ya!

A portal opens and sends Carol and Hex to the right dimension, but Boyfriend ends in a different dimension.


Hope you liked this chapter because I will be doing one in the next three days, or if I have time, or if I get positive feedback from this chapter.

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