Chapter 11- Like everybody else

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Trisha's PoV

When I came back, I noticed that the place is really quiet. So, I plan to sneak up on them. I hope this turns out right, unlike what happened a few days ago with Louis and Harry.

I took a deep breath before I shouted. "I'm back!" And then, three sleeping boys woke up almost falling on the floor.

I should've taken a picture of their faces. It was hilarious!

"Do you have to shout? I'm having my beauty sleep. Jeez! You're like Louis." Zayn groaned, slowly standing and plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes again.

"I'll take that as a compliment, thank you!" I said and Louis winked at me, not even angry that I woke them up. Niall was about to say something when another voice interrupted.

"Lunch is ready!" Harry suddenly said from the kitchen.

"FOOD!!!" Niall and I said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. I may have taken a snack back at Nanos but that doesn't mean that I'm not hungry.

"She's like Niall now." I heard Zayn mumble.

"We got to back out! There are two Nialls in the house!" Louis raised his voice as he acts in an overly crazy manner.

"Oh shut up Louis! No one could beat Niall." I said as I looked at Niall and he just smirked in return. "Can we just stop the chitchat? I'm starving!" I added, heading to the kitchen.

"Yep, definitely like Niall" Louis stated I just stick my tongue out.

We went to the kitchen and was welcomed by the wonderful smell of food. I was the first one to be served by Harry. Food glorious food! The others pouted. I smiled in triumph. Lucky me.

I started to take a bite. It was certainly like heaven.

"You are great! Now, I'm jealous. I can't cook even my life depends on it. Will you be my husband?" I jokingly said. Never realising what I said at the end until Harry turns to red. I tried my best not to react too much because they will probably tease us again.

Louis' PoV

"Hey, don't steal my man!" I said as I stepped closer to Harry and covered my arms on his head, purposely ruining his hair and suffocating him (just a bit). With that, she just smirked. A smirk that became a joker-like smile and just froze there like a robot.

"What happened to you? Are you okay? Did Harry food poison you? Or maybe he made you drink a love potion?!" I said again as I shook her to get her back to her senses. Harry gave me an annoyed look before he tried to do it himself. She finally snapped out of it.

"I ship Larry Stylinson." She suddenly blurted out and covered her hand probably in shock. While me and Harry laughed a bit awkwardly at her sudden outburst.

"As a bromance of course. You guys are bro goals." She almost immediately adds as she munches on her food, still plastering that big smile of hers.

"You're fast!" Harry said with wide eyes. I turned to Trisha and saw that she's already done eating.

"Like I said earlier, like Niall." Zayn said in the other corner.

"And she's like Louis too!"

"How?" Harry asked feeling not convinced.

"She shouts just as loud as Louis does." Niall pointed out.

"Well that makes sense." Harry said nodding.

"Hey!" said Trisha joining in the conversation.

She turned around, acting like a child and flipped her hair like she's in a shampoo commercial and it goes in slow motion. I see Harry just staring at her in a distance.

"You could enter for a shampoo commercial for that." Zayn chuckled, resulting for some of his food to fall.

"Ha ha ha." She laughed humorlessly and went directly to the living room and said that she was gonna watch something.

I went back to eating the wonderful food that is in front of me now. Then, I suddenly thought of an idea.

"We should play truth or dare with her later. It should be fun and it has been awhile." I suggested.

"You're talking like we have never played that before for years. And I guess, it would be fun, especially for Harry." Said Niall teasingly. I thought he liked her, maybe he moved on.

Harry just remained quiet and looked at Liam and he just gave an understanding nod. I looked at Niall and Zayn and clearly they don't know what's going on with these two.

"Hey, you guys? You have something that you're not telling us." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Should we tell them?" Liam asked to Harry. He just nodded.

"Lads, up stares to my room." Liam said. And we immediately went to his room except Harry.

"Well, clearly Harry is falling hard for that girl down stares and he's kind of miserable because he thinks that she doesn't fancy her back." Liam said. I didn't know that she really had that effect on Harry. I thought it was just a little crush, but I was wrong.

"Well, now I know what I'm gonna do tonight." I smirked.

"But don't take it too far or it might become worse." Zayn warned me.

"Ofcourse, I'll help him get a taste. Maybe that'll it work." I said. Now, I feel like I'm the supervillain here.

"C'mon let's go down. I need snacks" I'm sure I don't need to tell you who said that.

Liam was the first one who went down stares and we all followed. He went to the living room.

I suddenly heard a shout, it's more like a girlish squeal to be honest. I ran to where the sound came from.

" You have a thing for Toy Story!?" Liam asked like a kid.

"Yeah. Just because I'm not a kid anymore I'm not going to watch these." She said like it was obvious.

"Now, you're my new best friend here!" Liam said as he hugged her., she just laughed it off.

"Well, what do you know. She's like me, like Niall and now Liam. Everyone's got to hear this. ZAYN, HARRY, NIALL! Come here I have something to tell you!"

"What?!" They asked at the same time. I pointed to the two are watching right now Toy Story.

"Oh, no! Now, we have two Toy Story lovers. The world is going to end." Niall said jokingly.

"Hahaha! And it's not just Toy Story, you know." Trisha said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"Can we just watch the movie in peace?" She asked.

"Let me think... no. Now, change that god damn movie! Peasant!"

"Please!" Now, she's doing the puppy eyes. OH MY GOD! Hers is so much cuter than Nialls.

"Hey! I heard that." Niall suddenly pointed at me. I must have said that out loud. Oh well.

"I kinda agree myself." Zayn said, looking at her while Niall tried to do the puppy eyes for himself.

"Who's cuter now?" Niall smirked while Trisha playfully nudged him. Me and Zayn looked at each other and nodded.

"Trisha." We both said at the same time and Niall pouted.

"Okay, T. We'll leave you alone but just after that movie and we're done." She did a fist pump and knew that she won. I turned to Harry and saw that he was still drooling over Trisha. (Metaphorically I mean)

"She might melt." I whispered to him and came back to reality still in a bit of a trance.

I can't wait for tonight.



Hey! Hope you enjoyed this Chapter!

I love you! ♥

(I didnt quite like this chapter when I reread this. Maybe it's just weird and awkward that I'm rereading this.)

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