Chapter 9- Marshall

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Trisha's PoV

About what really happened earlier, I still do not know. When I took his hand so we can eat already, I felt tingly. I never really felt something like that before. With higher volts of electricity, that, I experienced. That tingly feeling made me very uncomfortable.

My thoughts came to a stop when I felt Harry squeeze my hand a bit or maybe it's just me.

"Save some for us!" When we arrived, they just looked at us. I noticed Louis wiggle his eyebrows. Those idiots. What are they up to now?

I gave them a questioning look and Zayn just pointed at our hands. When I realized what they meant, I immediately let go and tried to avoid their gaze on both us. My cheeks began to feel hot. Dammit.

"I'm sorry lovebirds but our eating machine here ate all the pizza." Louis said. I gave Niall a death glare.

"Shut up! Lou!" Harry shouted, clearly affected. But 55% of me took notice of the lack of food supply. Maybe they're just kidding.

"Harry looks like a big tomato. Both of you." Louis mocked while pinching Harry's cheeks and giving me a grin afterwards which gave me the time to confirm that Harry was indeed blushing. I don't want to be make the situation more awkward so, I changed the topic.

"Wait, Niall really ate it all?" I pouted.

"Yup." Liam and Zayn said at the same time. I turned to Niall. If looks could kill right now he would be dead.

"C'mon Harry!" He just looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"I wanna eat! Oh, and don't forget your disguise." He smiled at me and immediately went up stares and got back like the speed of light.

"That was fast!" I said.

"I'm starving." He said and he dragged me outside. I couldn't help but notice the big smile that he has right now.

Since he was the one leading, he got inside the car first and drives this time.

For the past few days, me and the boys always eats in this small restaurant called Nanos just cause Niall randomly saw it and wanted to check it out. It turns out that this place is similar to the Nandos that's obviously Niall's favorite. I bet the similarity in the name is the reason why he noticed it in the first place.

While we were eating, I noticed that the both of us keep taking glances at each other (which made me uncomfortable once again) but my eyes changed it's focus when I noticed someone walking at our direction. I get ready for him. Apparently, Harry noticed this and he checked his back. He was getting faster. Just when I'm about to signal him that we were going to leave, that guy took off his hoodie. I sigh of relief came out of me as soon as I recognized him. And my body felt like a spring because I literally jumped on him and gave him a tight hug.

"Marshall!" And he hugged back just as tight. You know, the awkward thing about hugging is that your front is on their front. Never mind. I'll never think of that ever again.

"Trisha!" He imitated my outburst.

"What are you doing here, Mar?" I asked, not that I don't want to see him, its just, in summer, he's always in his house playing computer games and he usually keeps in touch by texting.

"Mom forced me to apply for a job here at Nanos. If my mom didn't threaten me by taking all my gadgets, I never would've done it. I was pissed off until I saw you. I figured that you could use a scare." he smirked at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Serves you right! You could use some fresh air. Tell your mom I said hi." I smiled. It turned silent for a moment before someone cleared his throat who happens to be Harry.

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