Chapter 26

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I wriggle myself in the white dress Tessa told me to wear. Why am I even listening to her? Seeing myself in the bathroom mirror makes me feel confident. This dress compliments my curves perfectly, even my hips look good in it. With the stretchy fabric I change myself easily. I need to be aware about the length though. This dress is a sexy, cute mini dress.

My locks of hair fall over my shoulders and I spray then with an intensive oil as I'm wondering what Michael is going to wear tonight. Probably something very expensive. Like it or not, Michael is very rich. Not that it's my concern what he does with his money, he didn't receive it just like that.

Michael worked hard to earn every penny. For all the trouble he went through, he only deserves more comfort to ease his inner pain. I know he's still struggling with that.

After our walk to the local market I fell asleep on the sofa. That wasn't my intention at all. Luckily, Michael wasn't offended by my anti social behavior towards him. Well, I have to admit; he didn't give me much attention either whilst typing on his phone. As a boss of a succesful business I'm fully aware of his responsibilities. I know he can't go away for a month without checking everything everything, not to mention the phone calls he has made to his lawyer about the contract with his family.

It still makes me anxious about what will come next. Is everything going to be okay? Knowing his father can be ruthless and his mother, well I can't call her a mother. A mother does best for her children, no matter what the consequences are for her.

Quickly, I apply a little makeup and sigh when I'm ready and satisfied with my look. God, I look like a model with the makeup and the dress. Hopefully, Michael will appreciate the look.

"Sofia or you almost ready?" I hear Michael's voice outside the door. "Be right there," I quickly answer. I hear his footsteps fading away. As I put on my black pumps I receive a message on my phone, it's from mom.

"Good luck with your date tonight, sweetheart!"

How does she knows about this? Tesssaaa, of course. The only thing I told mom is that Tessa and I would go on a holiday for a while, but she must have messaged Tessa to ask how I was doing.

"Thanks, mom." I reply.

Mom will be in the clouds right now as she knows I'm in Italy with Michael. The two of us all alone. I hope Tessa didn't tell the details of our trip tough. She doesn't need to know that his father is a dangerous man, and I had to flee because of the old man's desperate tricks to keep his son on a leash for good. In order to secure his wealthy future and name in the business world. He believes the notorious Davis name will be run by Michael.

Hopefully, Michael will change his name after everything is arranged. The bastard deserves to be punished for what he did to Michael and his sister. Also his mom deserves nothing less.

I take my small hand purse and go down the stairs, trying not to fall or break a leg. Michael stands at the door with his hands in his pockets, his eyes fierce. He gazes at me in victory like he has won a prize, his mouth opening up a little bit when I stop in front of him. Seductively, I close his mouth with one finger, a massive grin spreading across his face.

"You look stunning." He says with glistening eyes. "Thank you. And you look very handsome too." I say boldly while peeking out from under my lashes to get a glimpse of his sexy beige suit. He was wearing an expensive black shirt underneath his jacket. His dress pants were just the right length. His black leather shoes shining perfectly. This man is to die for and I knew it because I've seen him naked before. But I wonder what's underneath that dress shirt. He isn't that skinny boy I fell in love with. His shoulders became broad and his entire body screamed sex.

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