Just Got Lost {Alsmiffy X OC}

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This one's for it's-just_me

As the darkness of the new night shielded most things the forest contained, only few sounds could be heard through the silence of the alluring place. One sound in particular catching Alsmiffy off guard. He had been wandering through the dark place for what felt like days in search of nodes, and though it had not been dark when he had ventured from the marble palace, he now wished he had listened to his dear walrus friend in his advice to carry torches with him on his journey. Alsmiffy, in all honesty, had been arrogant about the ordeal and in turn probably denied taking torches out of spite. Though now, the rather loud ticking noise, from an anonymous source, was forcing Alsmiffy to admit to his faults and wish he had only brought with him the necessary equipment. Glancing over his shoulder, in his paused position, Alsmiffy could not identify what could possibly be making such a sound, nor why it had forced him to stop. And though he meant to press on, glancing down at whatever pressed against his shins, Alsmiffy could barely make out a thin wire pressing against his leg, an object that if broken would bode bad for Alsmiffy. Once the ticking had finally stopped, Alsmiffy let out a soft sigh, which soon retracted and was released as a gasp as something sharp pierced his green skin. Again, peering over his shoulder he spotted a oddly coloured arrow tip buried in his shoulder blade, and the broken arrow's shaft lying behind his heals. And from what Smiffy could tell, the forest soon got a hell of a lot darker.

Now Smiffy lay in a small bed, one that was too small for his inhumanly stature. His head pressed against the wooden log in which the bed was pressed against, and his feet hung over the opposite end in an awkward position. To be completely honest it was uncomfortable, though Smiffy's aching shoulder felt somewhat better and less tense. As well, the dizziness Alsmiffy had previously felt had dulled to a numb thickness clouding his line of thought. Pushing himself into a sitting position, Alsmiffy soon examined the environment he found himself in. It was a rather cramped wooden cabin with a roaring fire on one wall, a window and a front door on two opposite walls and the bed. However, Smiffy could not help but glance towards what looked to be a research table in the centre of the room, a table Smiffy knew to be a valuable part to beginning Thaumcraft magic. Alsmiffy being very far off a beginner and considerably an expert in Thaumcraft, compared to those in the area; he knew that whomever's cabin he was in, they too were quite far on in the arts. Yet there was no sign of whomever it was studying said magic. Spying through the window above the bed, again Alsmiffy saw no sign of anyone at all. And being undecided in whether it was a good choice to leave the bed or not, Alsmiffy sat in silence, not quite sure what to do.

It wasn't too long before there was a rather odd noise echoing from the direction of door which in turn began to open. Freezing in place, Alsmiffy watched as the rather short figure, which appeared to be a female, entered quietly. Her cat like green eyes flashed his way enough to spot him clearly awake form before turning out of view. Her black hair curved messily around her face, also shielding it from the green man's curious gaze. However, as she turned once more, Alsmiffy was able to identify every feature. The fire made her eyes glow somewhat brighter, making them as bright green as the grass outside. The light also illuminated two unusual scars on either side of her face, not at all subtracting from the beauty Alsmiffy saw in her. Her face was almost child like, though mature alongside her black fringe that came down towards her eyes, but not hiding them. Alsmiffy was in awe, even more so when she had begun to talk.

"You're awake?!" She chuckled, taking a perch against the research table in the centre of the cabin, not too far from where Smiffy's knees poked out from the bed. Alsmiffy remained quiet, eyeing up the strange female sat so close to him. "I'm Bianca...and you are...?" She spoke encouragingly, watching Alsmiffy's cautious face. "Alsmiffy," He stated, his green features reflecting in her eyes which remained fixed on him. "Cool name," She stated, raising not far off the ground as she stood, beginning to wonder around the cabin. "You must be one of the three that live in that marble palace, right?" She asked curiously, watching Alsmiffy's face stiffen. "Yes...you know the place?" He replied, watching her continue to aimlessly wonder about. "Yeah, been around there. You got some good nodes," She exclaimed, running a finger along the slightly dusty research table. "You're into Thaumcraft?" He questioned rather abruptly, her face turning back to his. "You could say that," She smiled devilishly before suddenly whipping out an object Alsmiffy knew immediately. He chuckled at her childish attitude, something he never really witnessed at home. The other two looked down at that kind of behaviour, they were so stern and mature. Bianca smiled at Alsmiffy, him returning the favour. "You're different, you know," She commented, only to have Alsmiffy scoff somewhat. "I think i'd guessed that by now," He replied indicating his skin and body features. But she simply laughed at this, "I don't mean that. I expected you to be stuck up, like all the rich ones in the world, i've spoken to your friend Dj-something or other, he was just plain rude," She explained, sounding slightly nervous. "The other two believe their saints or something, just because we've got whatever we want, they look down at everyone else who actually work for what they've got..." Smiffy sighed, knowing it was damn near impossible to please the other two.

"You should probably get back to them, they'll wonder where you've gotten to," She sighed sadly, as though she was enjoying the time she spent with Alsmiffy. "I don't have to..." He immediately replied, unknowing of what it was he was leading to. She laughed again, "Why give up what you've got for something less?" She asked with a soft smile, one that Alsmiffy had easily grown fond of in the time that they'd spent with each other, which wasn't long at all. "Because...Thaumcraft is amazing...i'd like to spend my time researching and crafting with someone who understands its greatness, the other two think i'm stupid, or not smart enough to make machines or build like they do...You don't seem anything like them, you're more...bearable," Alsmiffy exclaimed, watching the faint pinkness that grew across Bianca's chiselled face. "I'll take that as a compliment," She chuckled, before returning to her previous seriousness, "But you should go back to them, i'm sure they like you more than they let on, they're probably worried sick that you're dead or something right now, go back for their sakes if not your own," Alsmiffy sighed at her comment. "S'pose i should go..." He stood slowly, careful not to bash his head into the ceiling. Bianca followed him through the door and out into the apparent rain that had begun whilst they'd been speaking.

She walked with him all the way to the marble wall, though they said little to one another, Alsmiffy could feel himself grow more desperate not to return. There was something about Bianca that he liked, he wanted to know more about her, spend more time with her. Though she never gave him the option to. Once they reached the wall, Bianca paused, still with her pleasant smile that never seemed to falter, "This is you," She beamed, not shocked by Alsmiffy's glum mood. "You can visit me, if you want to," She said quietly, watching a small lighter shade of green cloud underneath Alsmiffy's crystal blue eyes. He nodded somewhat, before beginning to head for the bridge.Though as he began up the first step, something gripped his arm, pulling him off of it and towards a warm pair of lips that crashed into his. Not having time to respond, he opened his eyes to find Bianca already striding across the open planes. "Smith!" A familiar voice yelled, as the sound of a roaring jet-pack began. "See you around, Green Man," Bianca yelled, before dissolving into the trees nearby. The walrus and bearded man landed in front of Alsmiffy, both with relieved faces. "Where the hell have you been?" Alsmiffy simply chuckled to himself, glancing in the direction in which Bianca had headed in. "No where, mate. Just got lost," The others didn't question it, and continued on with whatever it was they were previously doing. However, for Alsmiffy, he decided to look back towards the trees, feeling something warm and uncertain fill his stomach at the sight of a purple glow coming from amongst the trees; at this Alsmiffy knew, he would be seeing a lot more of his Thaumcraft companion.

A/N: Hoped you liked it XD

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