Flux Buddies {Alsmiffy and Nanosounds}

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Just an idea i had  :3

Shunned out by your only friends can be quite painful. And trust me when i say Alsmiffy was feeling the pain at this very moment as he tracked through a desert on only 3 hearts. His taint, or flux, or whatever you want to call it had spread too far, and Trott had had enough, so had Ross although he wouldn't admit to it. It had even spread through Alsmiffy, his face and the left half of his body now turning purple. They didn't want to become sick like Smiffy, so they sent him away. Alsmiffy understood this, but could not help but feel abandoned by his only friends. Cast out. He knew his taint was becoming a problem, despite not wanting to believe it, he knew one day he would've had to go anyway.

Continuing his path to nowhere in particular, his silence was interrupted by the sound of a beautiful voice, humming in the distance. Slowly edging towards the alluring sound, Alsmiffy found it rather difficult to find the source of it. He believed he was standing next to it, although he was the only person in the entire forest, as far as he could see. Although continuing onwards, he was somewhat surprised to find himself crashing into something, causing himself - and whatever it was that he had bumped into - to topple over backwards. Landing on the damp grass, he began reaching for his now aching head, only then noticing the soft humming had ceased. "Agh!" Groaned something in front of him, causing him to look in that general direction, at what he had crashed into. To his utmost surprise, there lay a rather short girl, clutching her forehead like him, drawing attention to her arm which was half her skin colour, and half purple. The same purple that now coated at least half of Smiffy's body. Noticing her eyes spring open, and her hand slowly drop, he finally saw what had happened to him, had also happened to her. Half of her face matched the tainted pattern across Alsmiffy's face, trailing down her neck, arm and leg on one side. Her eyes widened at the sight of Alsmiffy, they both sat gazing at each other for such a long time that when it came to talking, it was already becoming dark.

"I'm...i'm sorry i bumped into you, completely my fault, y'know, head in the clouds and all," She murmured, accepting Smiffy's hand to help her to her feet.  "No, No it was my fault, i wasn't looking where i was going," Hearing her soft giggle made Smiffy's heart warm in an instant. "Alsmiffy," He muttered, holding out his slender, green hand. She stared at it for a moment, noticing the significant amount of purple crawling from his wrist onto his palm. She slowly took his large hand in her own, looking up to meet his mesmerising blue eyes. "Nano,"

A/N: I know it's extraordinarily short but like i said it was just an idea, if you would like be to continue on with this please leave me a comment.

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