Not A Bully {Parvill}

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  A/N: Quick warning, i'm not familiar with Will Strife so i apologise in advance if i've made a mistake with his personality ect. This one's for XxIrishLovingxX

The school, like any other, was split almost into social classes. The bullies at the top and everyone else below them in rank order. Will was not at the top of the food chain, nor did he want to be. He wasn't anywhere near the top, in fact he was at the very bottom, with a vast group of 'nerds' and 'geeks'. He would never have classed himself as either of those two, but it appeared that caring about your education and future put you in that category automatically. So he played along with it, trying his best to steer clear of the predators at the top and stick with people of his own kind. This was harder than it appeared as Will had no interest in Chess or extra maths, he was into video games. No one in his 'class' shared his love for said hobby which kinda made him an outcast - not really part of any friendship group.

This all ended on one fatal day.

Will wondered into class as per usual only to find his normal seat occupied. A long-haired ginger kid was slouched in his seat, feet propped up on Will's desk with his phone glued to his hand. His squad were spread out in the row behind, all laughing and shouting, oblivious to the fact that Will stood staring in fear. He was never one for arguing or defending himself so he hadn't the slightest idea of how to come about it. "That's my seat.." He mumbled, more to himself than the 4 guys sat in front of him. One of the 4 looked up, his light brown eyes staring up at the blond boy. He was attractive to say the least, giving Will the uncomfortable feeling he usual felt around attractive boys. He looked sympathetically at Will, a slight smile tugging on his lips, almost as if he heard Will futile attempt at approaching them. Will managed a slight cough to gain the ginger one's attention. He turned slowly with an annoyed expression riddling his face, though once he set eyes on Will, his mood lighten. He scoffed at Will's appearance - red shirt and black waist coat and tie. He didn't seem impressed, only amused. "You're in my seat," Will spoke louder, feeling slightly braver with the attractive boy's gaze stuck on him. "Is it?" The ginger haired boy smirked. "Come on Sparkles, just leave it," The attractive boy cut in, eyes briefly travelling to 'Sparkles' and then back to Will. 'Sparkles' rolled his eyes before standing. He was surprisingly not as tall as Will had feared, giving Will a small boast of confidence. Though that dissolved as the ginger boy shoved straight past him, knocking him into the desk. 'Sparkles' laughed as he made his way to the row behind where his friends were all sat. "You're a buzz kill Parv," Sparkles spat in the direction of the attractive boy, who merely rolled his eyes and turned away.

Each lesson went by with only one thing on Will's mind. The boy he now knew to be called Parv. Will liked how Parv's dark hair was neatly brushed out of his face, not hiding any of his flawless features. He liked how he seemed sympathetic and kind to Will, though he was supposed to be bullying him like his friends were. He liked him.

The final lesson of the day came around, and Will still couldn't distract himself. He sat at the front on his own, tapping his pencil against his text book out of boredom, not quite sure what he was supposed to be doing with himself at that moment. That was until there was a soft sound from above him. Will turned slowly only to come face to face with Parv, who appeared more attractive in better lighting. " anyone sitting here?" He asked, his voice like music to Will's ears. He couldn't manage an answer, so Will merely nodded, shifting his things that were once spread across the entire desk. "Cheers," Parv smiled, an image Will doubted he'd ever forget. He wasn't entirely sure whether or not he'd some how fallen asleep, and that this was all a fantasy. He couldn't for the life of him think why Parv would want to be near him, he wasn't his friend, he was his bully. Bullies aren't exactly the kind of people that come and sit next to you when you're on your own, unless they've got a bone to pick with you, or some sick prank to pull. Will felt even more uncomfortable at this thought, he hadn't spotted Sparkles' crew when he walked in, but Parv more than likely had a whole group of friends that could well have set him up for this. Parv looked over at Will only to see a somewhat scared expression. "You alright mate, you look ill," Parv smiled softly, but concern curdled in his eyes. "I'm fine," Will managed, a tingling feeling starting in his stomach. He was never good around boys, not cute ones like Parv.

Throughout the lesson, Parv attempted to make conversation with Will, appearing to be genuinely nice. Will let slip that he spent his time playing video games, to which Parv was delighted as he too enjoyed gaming. They got into a grand discussion after that about all sorts of games, but the whole time Will couldn't divert his thoughts. All he could think about was Parv's adorable smile and gorgeous eyes and luscious hair. It was almost like some sort of crush, which didn't help Will's nerves. When the lesson came to an end, the two boys stood, identifying the fact that Parv was a few inches taller. The two went to collect their things and shove them into their bags, before making their way to the exit. "Y'know, i like you" Parv smiled, gaining Will's attention probably too quickly. "Really?" Will asked in shock, gaining a delightful chuckle from Parv, "Yeah, really." He winked, before sauntering off, leaving Will stunned. A slight blush spreading on his face as Parv turned to smirk at him one last time.

A/N: Hope i did well, let me know what you think and if you have any requests!

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