Cinderella Part One {Nanomax}

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A/N: Both and requested some Nanomax, so here you are. This was inspired by the new Cinderella film starring Richard Madden.

Another tiring day for Nano as she swept and swept away at the dusty floor, longing to be outside and free of her prison. She had graciously been excepted by Lomadia as a slave maid, and to this day she worked endlessly to keep Lomadia's home in check. She washed dirty dished, and cleaned unclean clothes, and dusted the entire house, and maintained the plants outside and...the list went on. Nano was thankful for the shelter and grateful for the food she was given - despite it being a smaller amount than she would have hoped for - yet she wished for a life of her own, a life that wasn't dictated and controlled. The thought of running away had crossed her mind, only she hadn't the slightest idea of which direction to head in, no means to protect her self or anywhere to go. She had nothing outside of Lomadia and her home, she didn't have a family or any friends, or a home to go back to, she knew nothing of the outside world or where to even start when it came to venturing out into it.

And today was like no other. She started her day with the sunrise, humming softly as she collected her cleaning equipment and began dusting the shelves in Lomadia's basement. Lomadia was still fast asleep upstairs and was more than likely going to stay asleep for some time, whilst Nano worked her butt off cleaning the entire house and grounds. When she was finished tidying the basement, she began on the ground floor, where she found Lomadia cooking something within the furnace. She said nothing to her maid and barely looked up from her book long enough to acknowledge her presence. This was a greeting Nano had grown accustom to, not expecting any conversation between the two of them, and knew it to be best if she did not start any. This only meant she was more than surprised to hear Lomadia's voice pipe up after a moment of silence, "You are to go into town today," Lomadia stated, not even asking about Nano's other chores. "Pardon?" Nano stared up from her feather duster to look at Lomadia with a questioning look. "I need you to collect some things for me, i can't find them anywhere else so you'll need to buy them, I'm sure even you can handle that simple task," Lomadia quipped, not batting an eyelid at the insult she had just thrown at Nano.

Nano nodded, returning to her dusting before removing her stained apron. Lomadia, again, barely looked up from her Lexica Botania, giving Nano the list of ingredients she required from the shop. Nano chose not to say anything when leaving, she dare not ask for means of transport or any directions, she merely wondered out of the door and into the cool summer breeze. She had heard from a few of Lomadia's guests that the town was across the river at the back of the gardens, and with no other information to go on, Nano decided to test that theory. In the distance she could see several wooden structures sat atop the hill across the large river; guessing that that was the town Lomadia requested she go to, Nano began on her journey through the gardens and towards the stone bridge that provided a way to cross the large river. She had never before travelled so far away from the house, and certainly not in public, the temptation to run and never return growing ever stronger the further away from the house she walked. Upon reaching the bridge, Nano stared across it, noticing the wooden structures, that she had previously seen, growing bigger and bigger the closer she got. She was intrigued by said buildings and began to edge her way across the bridge, marvelling at the structure she walked across and how beautiful everything, surrounding her, was.

Hearing the sound of heavy feet padding against bricks at quite a speed, Nano stepped aside, turning to stare at the great white stallions that were making their way across the bridge, three figures sat atop them. One of the three was a bright green, mouthless man who merely glared his blue gaze at the servant girl before proceeding towards the town. The second was a walrus wearing a white coat and a cold stare, him following in his friends actions and carrying on with his journey. The third was a man, with gorgeous black hair and a thick beard, accompanied by ice blue eyes; he paused when nearing the timid girl, his gaze being caught by hers. They shared a longing look at one another before Nano turned away, beginning to walk further across the bridge, with the speechless and nameless man following slowly on his horse. "Milady," He spoke, his voice like gravel and music to Nano's ears. She stopped in her tracks, turning to face the man still perched on his steed. "Are you travelling into town?" He questioned, eyes locked onto hers. "Yes, sir." Nano spoke quietly, not entirely sure how she should be addressing the people she spoke to. Lomadia always demanded that she refer to her as ma'am and nothing else, pointing out that Nano was of a lower class and should always acknowledge the status of those better than her. The bearded man smiled, his beautiful teeth shimmering in the light of the sun. "Come on, Ross!" Called a voice from ahead of the two, more than likely coming from his friends. "Hurry up mate, we don't have all day," The other one laughed, galloping around in the road with the walrus.

Nano stared away from the bearded man as he was forced to continue his ride into town. "Ross," Nano sighed to herself, smiling at the thought of the handsome man. She practically skipped the rest of the way, her head in the clouds. She had said but two words to the man and already felt as though her stomach was a cage of wild birds desperate to escape.

A/N: Hope you liked it, second part coming soon.

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