Happy Halloween {Rythian x Reader}

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You were often told of the spooky, dark tower which loomed over the town, it's shadow casting over all the houses and shops within the town square, only causing more aspersions as to whom lived in it and what service it provided for the well being of the town. You weren't particularly phased by your friend's gossiping or the town's ghost stories about times people had ventured up to the doors of said tower, this being the only way to keep children venturing too close to it. Rumour had it that was the only time the owner stepped into the light of day, him being a tall man with dark hair and a purple mask covering most of his face, the shadows doing the rest, and when someone got too close, he would graciously come out to warn them to back away or else the consequences would not be in their favour. Another story no less, and you didn't bat an eyelid at it, most of the time. However, this evening was a different occasion.

Tonight people favoured the old legends, spoke of them so highly and began the tricks that the town was so famous for. You, and your specific group of friends, gathered outside a tavern, sitting around an old wooden table and beginning your annual routine of spin the bottle mixed with truth or dare. You sat beside Lomadia, with the scientist Lalna on your other side. Next to Lalna sat Sjin and Sips, and next to Lomadia sat Nilsey and Nanosounds. Xephos and Honeydew had wondered off in order to fetch the members of Hat Films, who would more than likely be too stuck up to join you anyway, but that left your small group to start the Halloween games. You hadn't ever been one for knocking on peoples doors in order to gain sweets, you had other methods for that which worked all year round, however that didn't prevent you and your friends from enjoying the evening. You had started the tradition several years back when you were all big-headed teenagers, daring one another to do stupid and otherwise scary deeds, preparing to call one another a coward when they dropped out, or not believing the story they would tell when returning from succeeding in doing the deed. And that hadn't changed this year. You all downed alcohol and began the game quite soon. It was sometimes hard to tell which was the harsher option to pick, truth or dare. More like interrogation or humiliation. You pick truth you have to answer a strict question, usually providing the asker with the secrets they had intended to drag out of you, or if you pick dare you are forced into doing a ridiculous act that will either humiliate you or get you into trouble. How could someone ever pick.

Over the past few years it appeared that you had become quite adept at not having the bottle land on you, evading the ominous question and not having to answer, and in turn doing something incredibly stupid. In fairness, if you didn't wish to go through with the game entirely, you wouldn't ever play - this being what made the game so fun. Everyone hated what they had to do, but they still continued to play despite the horrible outcome of their turn. And following the tradition of making the game harder each year, this time the dares appeared to be a lot harsher than the previous games.

"Dare!" Nano answered with such enthusiasm it shocked Nilsey into smirking wildly at her. "Kiss Lalna!" He demanded, his smirk only growing when sourced by the reaction of the table. Everybody oo'd at this, eyeing the couple intently, waiting for either Lalna to argue, or for Nano to do the same, if not fulfilling the dare. The two sat staring at one another from either side of the table, waiting to see who was going to make the first move. Inevitably it was Nano who stood, breaking the anxiety which plagued the air. Her enthusiasm was still undoubtedly surprising, as she stood boldly and began to walk around the table to where Lalna sat helplessly. It wasn't long before Nano had pressed her lips onto Lalna's, standing beside him as they kissed for a few seconds, only to break away quite suddenly. The table had appeared to have fallen silent, holding their breaths as the scene unfolded; it was you who broke the silence with a proud cheer, watching Nano's triumphant grin shine bright on her face as she strode back to her previous seat. The bottle was spun by her as soon as she reached her seat, smirking like everybody else as we waited for it to finally come to a halt.

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