Secret Santa {Sparkles X Leo}

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Sparkles' hands trembled silently in his lap; this wasn't going how he planned. Empty bottles filled his flat, on every surface he could see. The counter, the table, every coffee table in sight. This was ridiculous. He was the only one not drunk, and it didn't help one bit with the nerves eating away at his insides. He could get up on stage and perform to thousands of people, but something so simple as this was killing him. Whoever's stupid idea it was to do this, he held them accountable for how big a disaster it was now. 

Parv was sprawled out, half on the sofa and half on the floor - he was giggling endlessly at the jokes Kogie was telling. Kogie was sat on the bean bag in the corner, he was lying on his back with his head dangling back over the edge, so that he could look back at where the others were all sat. Leo sat in the corner of the corner sofa, hugging a fluffy pillow to his chest - he was giggling too. Finally Sparkles, who was sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa with the saddest expression believable. This wasn't a special occasion, this was just another night when the four of them would drink endlessly and wake up the next morning without the slightest clue as to what happened the night before. 

"Allllriiiight." Parv slurred, standing up slowly; though it looked like he was about to fall on top of Leo when he did. He was pissed off his face, and standing on two feet was proving to be a problem for him. "Presents!" He beamed, and all the others laughed. How on earth that was amusing, Sparkles didn't know, but then again they were all shitfaced and there was nothing he could do about it. "Lemme get em." He stumbled about aimlessly for a second, trying to walk in a straight line to Sparkles' Christmas tree, in the corner, but it wasn't any use. He was wobbling about and tripping over his own feet. He almost hit the floor a total of 3 times by the time he crossed the room. "First is..." Leo and Kogie hit the floor in a drum roll beat, "KOGIE!" Parv cheered, holding up an incredibly, poorly wrapped gift. 

"It's from me bro, Merry Christmas." Leo was slurring too. He held up a thumbs up, with a giddy smile that Kogie returned cheerfully. 

"Not cool dude!" Parv pointed viciously at him, "It's supposed to be secret." He stomped his foot, and sounded like a sulking child, but he lightened up again when he got to throw Kogie's present at him from the other side of the room. It hit Kogie square in the face. They all laughed. 

"Cheeeers mate," Kogie winked at Leo, and the two chuckled continuously to one another. 

"Next is...." The drum roll started up again. "ME!!" Parv tore into the neat wrapping paper, and examined the present in his hands. "It's a 'Dora the Explorer' mini guitar!" He exclaimed like an excitable child. "Leo - your's is next!" Parv tossed the next box over to the bleach blond boy still cuddling a bright blue cushion. 

"Nice." Leo smiled as he examined the box carefully. 

This was it, Sparkles' hands went mental, he couldn't control them any longer; he was shaking all over from the nerves tainting his bloodstream, and his palms were beginning sweat. He regretted it already, he shouldn't have done it, ever! This wasn't ever going to have been a good idea, but for some reason this was the time he thought it would be a good time to admit to something that should have always remained a secret. He shouldn't have done it. And he couldn't stick around and watch his mistake brew into the punchline of a continuous joke he'd never live down. 

"I need the toilet..." He mumbled, but the drunk bunch failed to hear, or care, what he said, and hardly batted an eyelid when he got up to leave. They'd work out eventually that he'd gone to piss, and then they'd forget and carry on with the festivities without noticing his absence. It always worked out that way, why should this time be any different? 

He made it to the bathroom without falling over, which he'd anticipated since standing up only to find his legs weren't feeling right; they felt like jelly melting into the floor, and he could hardly control the way they moved, walking was an astonishment by the time he made it to his safety. Locking himself in seemed to be the only escape from the inevitable. Eventually the drunkards would pass out or leave, either way he would have to wait it out until then. He slid down the door once it closed and locked behind him, and once he hit the floor he let out the breath he'd been holding. 

Why had this been his idea? 

Admittedly yes, he couldn't carry on without Leo knowing how he felt, but this wasn't right. He shouldn't have done this.  Not in front of the others, he'd ruined Christmas for all of them, and he'd fucked up his relationship with Leo. All because he couldn't control his emotions anymore. How long had they been in a band? How long had they been best friends? And how long did it take to throw that away? Sparkles had messed up, big time. And this was what he'd resorted to. Locking himself away to hide from the shame of what he'd done, like some embarrassed teenager who just told the coolest guy in school she liked him. Sparkles didn't want to face that rejection, and didn't want to face the mortification the others would make him feel when they found it as funny as it would seem to them, especially when drunk. No he had to hide, as shameful and stupid as he felt, and no matter how good friends they were, he couldn't face the others again. 

"Mate?"  A voice sounded from the other side of the door, a voice that made Sparkles' heart thud louder than he thought was medically safe. A voice he'd hoped not to hear ever again, because he wondered how badly this would go. "You in there?" 

"Uhhh...Yeah...Give me a sec, mate." Sparkles sniffed, unaware that he was crying quietly into his lap. He hadn't noticed, nor did he care much until now, now he was more ashamed than ever. Leo had driven him to tears, and hiding, how much worse could it get? Besides Leo seeing him like this. 

"Sparkles let me in." Leo's voice was low, deep and 100% sobre now, it almost scared Sparkles to think he might not be as intoxicated as the others, because it meant he'd remember what would've just happened. It remember it all. 

"I said give me a sec," Sparkles spat out hurriedly, trying to stand up quietly and clean his eyes just as frantically. 

"Tom..." Leo whispered, practically, his voice was that quiet and so close to the door that Sparkles could hear him breathing heavily against it. 

He didn't hesitate. The door was unlocked in seconds. He had to face his shame eventually, at least pretending to be drunk would allow for some sort of excuse. But he didn't need it. As soon as the lock clicked back, the door was open. It all happened so quickly that Sparkles could hardly comprehend it all. But he didn't need to, because he knew all he needed to know in a matter of seconds. 

Leo kissed him. He kissed him passionately, desperately, sweetly in the middle of Sparkles' bathroom. And despite the setting it was the most magical thing to have ever happened in Sparkles' life; he didn't waste a second of it. He kissed back like it was his last chance, because it probably was, but he was desperate for some affection from Leo - even if this was the last time, the only time, he couldn't let it slip away. 

"Took you long enough to say it." Leo mumbled against his mouth, hardly stopping the ongoing scene to say the words. 

"I didn't say anything." Sparkles chuckled softly, and went back to Leo's lips feverously. Clearly all those nerves had been for nothing. And secret santa, wasn't so secret after all. 

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