Valentines {Ross x OC}

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The clouds made the day a whole lot worse, as rain began to pour down outside the office. Everyone cooped up inside from the horrific British Weather (*No it is not a stereotype it really is that bad over here*) However, that morning in particular was rather cheerful. The festive season may have been over but the romance had begun. February 14th, Valentine's Day. You really hate that day due to every year having been dumped or alone around that time, or at least not having any nice memories of such a holiday since you were a kid. Nevertheless you thought it was cute that there were models of Lewis and Hannah in snowglobes now scattered across the two floors, as well as other cute drawings and figurines. Yet, surprisingly, that didn't seem to brighten your dwindling mood, that progressively became more and more depressing. You weren't the only one, however, elsewhere in the building the Hat Films trio celebrated Valentines in their own way. Smiffy and Trott both phoning up their girlfriends, preparing dinners and other romantic tat, whereas Ross sat in silence, headphones in and focusing on the editing that was due. He was never one to celebrate so a cliché thing.

During the morning of that day, you and Ross collided in the kitchen area, smiling at each other as people around the office did various things related to Valentines, both you and Ross sharing the same line of thought, thinking how pointless it was. However, not much further into the day, Duncan and Kim showed up at your office door, both grinning widely but not elaborating on why straight away. "You have an admirer," Duncan chimed, causing Kim to squeal and run forward with the letter. A pink envelope was handed to you very carefully, Kim still smiling wildly, waiting for you to open it, which you soon did. Not caring much for the pink paper, you focused on the card hidden inside. Opening it slowly, you read aloud:

I am certainly not one for doing this, and i find it completely pointless and meaningless as you would agree, although i thought this would be the cliché thing to do, as i clearly can't buck up the courage to ask you out in person. So meet me at the office at 9 tonight, you'll be glad if you do ;)

Silence fell on you three before Kim began to giggle and jump up and down. "OH MY GOD!" Was repeated numerous times before Duncan calmed her down, turning to you with a puzzled look. "Whatcha gonna do?" He asked, frowning as he stared down at the card in your hands. "She's gonna meet them of course!" Kim squealed, looking at you with lights in her eyes, "Right?" Her face distorting somewhat when you didn't respond, looking at Duncan for his opinion. "This could be some psychotic serial killer," He shrugged, not making much sense but still. "Or it could be someone awesome," She snapped, slapping the back of her hand against Duncan's chest. "Where'd you guys even get this?" You question, looking between the two. "Lewis said it was for you and told us to give it to you," Duncan stated thinking back at how strange that encounter had been. Lewis had seemed on the verge of laughter when he handed Duncan the letter, before rushing off to Hannah's room with much urgency. "Well then..." You mutter, beginning to think to yourself for a moment. Knowing what needed to be done.

The time soon came to leave, 8:59, you had purposely stayed late at the office that night, knowing exactly why. Grabbing your things, you began to leave the building, noticing someone left in the office opposite yours. Slowly walking over to the open door, you spotted Ross pacing around his desk, hands in his hair. He was dressed smartly, and looked as though he was staring at something brightly coloured on his desk. You couldn't help but look at him for a moment before announcing yourself. "Hey Ross," You smiled, entering the office slowly, placing your bag on the sofa by the door. "Y/N...Uh...Hi" Ross stuttered, seeming very anxious. "You alright there?" You ask curiously, edging closer still. "Yeah...i just..." Taking in a deep breath before turning to you for the first time all day. His pale blue eyes staring directly into your own. "You got my card then?" He questioned nervously, fiddling with his fingers as he gazed at you. "Your...Your what?!" You almost spit out, it not having occurred to you until now that there may have been a reason you and Ross were the only two staying late. "It was you?!" You gasp, a smile growing wider on your face. "Yeah," He chuckled "It was me," Giggling softly, you slowly approach him, until you are almost touching. "I never would have guessed," You whisper, before slowly leaning forward, hands reaching for Ross' face as you press your lips against his.

The sudden sound of cheers erupted from the doorway as you two break apart. Everyone from the office stood outside laughing and cheering, Smiffy and Trott at the front handing, and accepting, money from one another. "You guys bet on this!" Ross snapped, watching them glance at each other. "Yeah mate, easy money," Smiffy laughed, pocketing the tenner that Trott had handed over. Soon bustling back to the common room, Kim and Duncan having missed the kiss, as they had been setting up decorations, everyone found the room glowing a warm pink with tons of hearts hanging from the walls. Laughing softly to yourself, Kim ran over to you, noticing Ross' arm securely around your shoulders before winking. Duncan soon appeared behind her, high-fiving Ross over your heads. "You two knew!" You gasp, slapping Kim's arm. "Yeah, course we did, you really think Lewis would send us to do his dirty work? Ross gave us the card!" Duncan exclaimed, smirking at Ross who was now flushing somewhat pink - or maybe it was the lights. "Pointless and Meaningless, eh?" You smirk, staring up at Ross who smiled back at you, placing a passionate kiss onto your lips.

A/N kinda got stuck on this one, you'll have to tell me how you found it ;)

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