Speak Now {Trott X OC}

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Dedicated to the lovely Masumi and Sibs

Tamzin watched in disgust as the bride-to-be faffed around with her puffy dress, and snapping at the other two bridesmaids who simply attempted to help. Smith and Ross got to be with Trott; why couldn't she be with him as well. Talk him out of it. Comfort him if he was distressed, that's what she always had done, and what she had hoped she'd always do. That was if she ever bucked up the courage to tell him it should be her he was to marry, not the slut that was stood in front of a full-length mirror, pulling fish faces at herself. Trott needed a decent girl, someone real enough to love him for who he was - not all the perks that came with marrying the gorgeous Chris Trott. And how Tamzin had been roped into being Jessica's third bridesmaid she didn't know. Trott had brought it up one night and despite her arguments she did it to please him. He was stressed out with it all as it were, and she hated the idea of making things more complicated for him. So she agreed to it. Though she hated Jessica, she couldn't let down Trott on his big day. Thinking back to it, she remembered the day he'd told her, and how she felt. Honestly, she couldn't think of any recent times when she'd cried herself to sleep like that. She was genuinely heartbroken to think her time with him was running out. And now it appeared there was even less time left than there had been then.

Smith and Ross had been right, she should have said something sooner, maybe then it would be her wedding day and not Jessica's. The girl who didn't deserve anyone near as good as Trott. Her Trott.

Once the girls were done, they shuffled away to find Jessica's dad, leaving Tamzin alone in the dressing room, staring at her lone reflection. Her dress was nice but not good enough for Trott, and no matter what the others said she couldn't help but wish she was still in her pyjamas at home, hoping she'd not even blink an eye at this whole ordeal if she wasn't there. Hannah bustled into the dressing room not long after the bride and her followers left. Hannah looked beautiful as always, with a beautiful violet dress and her hair done nicely. "Time to go," Hannah said with a sympathetic smile, knowing full well Tamzin didn't want to stand behind the girl who would be marrying the one she loved. Jessica didn't love Trott, she just loved the idea of Trott. Someone as amazing, and funny and a gentleman like Trott, and even with his sick mind and inappropriate behaviour, he was the best man on the earth to Tamzin, and she wanted it to be her marrying him, not that slutty bitch that was calling herself his "bride-to-be" god it made Tamzin feel sick.

Walking with the others into the church, Tamzin gulped at the amount of familiar faces in the crowd on one side of the isle. And then her eyes came to the front where Trott stood, his fitting black suit hugged his body, and made his eyes look a lot darker, and his smile whiter. Though he wasn't smiling. He was gazing in their direction as they walked, his eyes finding Tamzin's in an instant. She loved his eyes, but this time they were only making her feel worse. She didn't want this. Neither did he. His eyes were sending an SOS message to her. He wanted her to get him out of this hell hole and take him home, and play GTA V and drink beer, and then have a hangover together the next morning. That was what his life was and he loved it that way, not this. Not the big white wedding, and marrying a girl he barely knew. His eyes remained on Tamzin for the entire time, until the moment the vicar started to talk. His eyes then darted to Jessica, who devoured every inch of him with her eyes and not ceasing at his waist. Slut much.

Smith's hand slipped over Tamzin's as they listened intently to the vicar's words. Trott couldn't agree to these vows. Not in a million years could Trott commit to something like this, with a woman he hated. The vicar continued on until the fatal words were spoken. "Speak now or forever hold your peace," His rough voice echoed throughout the quiet church, and Trott's eyes sprang to Tamzin in a final plea for help. His dark brown eyes desperate for something. Anything that could get him out of the hole he'd dug for himself. Smith had noticed this and wasted no time shoving Tamzin from her seat and into the isle; where she stood alone as everyone else stared up at her. She smiled awkwardly, turning to Smith in hopes he knew what he'd done. To which she got a reassuring look. She knew what he meant almost instantly. She then turned to gaze at Trott.

"Do you wish to give a reason as to why these two should not be married?" Asked the vicar after a moment of silence. "I...uh...yes. Yes I do," The entire left side of the church echoed with gasps from Jessica's family and friends. Whereas the other side of the church remained silent, all backing Tamzin in what she was going to say."Trott..." She murmured, gazing at him as he stared back in confusion.
"Trott, don't do this. Don't do it because you feel it's what you have to do. You should marry the right person because you love them, and because you want all this; coz it means you're ready to spend your life with them. Start a family with them some day. Die with them even. But don't do it because it's what's asked of you because it isn't. At least not by the people that care about you, and that you care about. All of us know she isn't right for you and you do too. Jessica isn't the right girl, and you certainly don't love her as far as I can tell. And if I know you like I think I do, then I know that she isn't who you want to spend your life with. Or for that matter who you should spend your life with. And I....I thought that you were happy and content with your life as it was. And then you met her and I could tell you changed. You were only you when you weren't with her. When you were with me. When we'd lounge around, get smashed off our faces for nothing and scream at each other the next day when we'd be hungover. You've been my best friend since year one and I never owned up to my love for you because I didn't want to be the one to ruin your happiness. But it isn't me that's doing that...it's her. I just want you to know that, we all want you to be content with your life, and how you chose it. But this isn't the right choice, we can all see the plea for help in your eyes. So if you can't say no to this for you...do it for me?"

Everyone's eyes darted between the two of them for a moment, and once Trott turned away, not uttering a sound she knew she had her answer. "Sorry for interrupting," Tamzin finally stated, turning to leave the church all together. She wasn't prepared to just sit down and let them continue after she'd told him all that. After stepping into the cold, her arms automatically becoming cold in the January air, after all she had rushed to leave, not picking up her jacket from Smith on the way out. She stood there for a moment, feeling her eyes brimming with tears as she thought back over everything. She was right, she'd ruined it all. She'd never see Trott again and truthfully he was better off without her anyway. Or so she thought.

"Tamzin?" a soft voice murmured from above her shoulder. Not turning to face him, she stepped forward, away from Trott. "You should be in there," She snapped, wiping away the solitary tear that fell from her eye. "No. I shouldn't." He stated bluntly, taking a stride forward so he was behind her again. "I should be here....with you," He mumbled into her ear. This making her turn to face him. "You're getting married you can't just walk out,"Tamzin argued. "You did," He retorted, raising an eyebrow. "Yes. But I'm not the one getting married," She snapped back smartly, expecting something entirely different to what he said next. "You should be," Tamzin's face fell slightly, her finally gazing up into his deep brown eyes, also glossy from her speech. "W....what?" She managed, watching a grin form on his face. He held out a diamond ring. She couldn't muster any words anymore, instead she stared hopelessly at him. "After you ran out, Jessica demanded I deny my feeling the same...I couldn't do it so she chucked the ring at me and stormed out," Trott explained, reaching for Tamzin's left hand. "And so, I knew who it truly belonged to. Besides I already know it fits you," He winked, watching Tamzin's face remain clueless. "That's because I picked it out. And you used my finger to measure it," She managed to giggle, allowing Trott to take her cold hand in his. "Is that a yes?" He stared into her eyes, placing the ring on the end of her finger. "What do you think?!" She beamed, reaching for his face as she planted a soft kiss to his lips. He was right. Perfect fit.

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