She's Not Me {Duncan X OC}

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Dedicated to Elevenaught Misty

Fizzy admired from a distance as Duncan edged from his room's door. He hadn't left his lab for weeks, which was evident in his appearance. His clothes were scruffy, as was his now tangled and messy hair; his expression grim and the dark bags under his eyes only making it more clear to Fizzy that he'd stayed up most, if not all, nights. She had always hated seeing him in this state, though there was nothing she could say to him anymore, nothing she could do to help him anymore. He was on his own and preferred it that way. Fizzy, on the other hand, did not agree with his new life style of solitary confinement. She hated the idea of him being alone. Especially after the incident with his previous apprentice.

Nanosounds had always lurked around the labs, ordering Duncan's belongings and picking up new skills as they went along trying every type of technology and magic Duncan could think of. But her flux was getting worse, and Duncan would not admit to her that it was his fault for it. The taint had begun causing her pain when he brought up the courage to tell her. And though she wasn't happy about his lies she still stayed. That was her mistake, and Duncan's for letting her stay when she had the chance to get out before the worst happened. But no, she hung around for a while, her flux continuing to be an issue for her and eventually she could no longer walk, leaving her bedridden. Though something happened after a few days of lying around, a form of pain struck her body and she needed Duncan - who happened to be in his lab a few floors down. He was attempting to make a cure for Nano. He had created the taint that spread over her and was going to fix it.Though, despite Duncan's orders, Nano managed to bring herself to her feet and had just enough energy to get to Duncan before her time ran out.

Something failed with another of Duncan's taint experiments though; and as Nano entered his lab, the fright of her fragile voice caused Duncan to flinch, adding one chemical to another, two that were never meant to mix. Duncan's heart stopped as several explosions occurred, sending sparks of purple energy in every direction except for his. Turning at the last minute, he spotted a final shot of energy coursing through Nano's small body, that soon collapsed to the floor. Duncan, ceasing to care about his lab equipment that was easily replicable, literally dropped whatever he was holding and leaped to Nano's side, clutching her trembling purple body in his cold, shaking hands. What had he done?

Nano's last breath had been to express her feelings to Duncan, not making it any easier on him to forgive himself for everything that he'd done, and though he cared deeply now about Fizzy, something had started to happen to her too. He had been more than happy to be with her until a certain day where she had began to show bruises of a purple colour; this startled Duncan. Since that day, he'd remained in his lab working day and night and barely speaking to Fizzy, ever! She had begun to think she'd done or said something wrong, and had upset Duncan. And his reluctance to speak to her about his reasons, made her believe her theory more and more each time. Though now the sight of him exiting his lab after such a long time, made Fizzy fill with relief. At least he hadn't failed at any more experiments. However, once he'd spotted Fizzy's anxious eyes following his figure, he'd rushed away - enhancing her beliefs of him hating her. Sighing miserably to herself, she began to wonder around the lab in search of something to do.

Not long after Duncan's dramatic exit, was the sound of sobbing echoing from downstairs. Fizzy, feeling her chest tighten at the sound, began to edge towards the stairway. She had thought over the possibility of him not wanting to see her over a million times. But the thought of leaving him alone, and crying, made Fizzy feel unrealistically bad about evening considering that option. So taking the risk, she took each stair as it came until she spotted Duncan in a heap on the floor, his lab coat spread out behind him and his head in his hands. The sound of sobbing and sniffing had now grown more audible and was making Fizzy even more anxious. Slowly edging closer, she took a slow seat beside him on the neatly bricked floor. Wrapping a single arm around his shoulders - in turn causing him to flinch. "Sshh" She had managed to hum into his ear before he shoved himself backwards, and away from her. "What? What's wrong?" Fizzy questioned instantly, desperate to know why he'd hated being near her. "You can't come near me Fizzy," Was his response, not helping with the anxiety growing inside Fizzy. "Why not?!" She asked stubbornly. "You...You just can't" He had replied softly, turning his gaze to the dusty floor. The basement was no longer used for anything except storage, and was drastically unclean.

"Duncan..." Fizzy shuffled forward. Duncan shuffled back. "Don't!" He warned, his hands preparing to move himself back further. "I'm not going to hurt you," Fizzy smiled as best she could, edging closer again. "No. But i may hurt you!" Duncan blurted out, backing straight into a wooden crate. "What do you mean?" Fizzy asked in a obviously shocked tone. "Your bruises, their me. It's the taint, it's back for you now. That's my doing!" Duncan's voice cracked in places as he choked on the tears welling in his eyes still. "What bruises? They're gone. They're long gone. It wasn't the taint it was me falling from a tree," Fizzy stifled a laugh as she gazed at Duncan's undecided expression. "W-what?" Duncan stammered, peering up into her eyes that bored back into his. "Yeah...they were nothing. It's not the taint Duncan, i'm perfectly fine. And it certainly wouldn't have been your doing," Fizzy edged closer again, until she was face to face with the crying scientist. "But it could be taint was with Nano...and that was my fault," Duncan's shielded sobs were becoming more and more clear as he continued to speak of her. "She's not me, Duncan. I'm fine, and safe. What happened with Nano...that wasn't your fault. That's what she would say," Fizzy tried, though Duncan seemed sure he'd caused everything bad that had ever happened to either of the two girls. "And i'm perfectly fine, no taint has got to me. So you cannot keep shutting me out, and blaming yourself for an accident of my own accord, Nano wouldn't want you hunched over machines and magic items whilst life goes by." Fizzy continued to argue with him. His blue eyes dripping with tears as he watched her face for a sign of truth. "But the killed her, she's dead." He sobbed.

"Yes...she is unfortunately. And it may well have been taint but that's gone. It was a one off. We're both free from it," Fizzy tapped at his chin for him to look into her eyes, leaning closer to his scared face. "Everything's alright now, Duncan," She murmured before pressing a longing kiss to his slightly damp lips. Having been stunned at first, Duncan immediately responded. Enjoying the feel of another human being, something he'd missed for such a long time. She was right. Nano was dead and there was nothing that could bring her back. And Nano wouldn't want that. She isn't Fizzy, because Fizzy was there, she was the one kissing him at that moment when every bad thing he'd ever thought he'd done had fled from his mind and all he imagined were the times he'd spent with Fizzy, knowing full well Nano would be enjoying them as well. Wherever she was.

One shots Yogscast/Hat FilmsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon