Part One {Duncan X Kim}

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  Kim sat quietly in her office, eyes fixed on her computer screen though her ears focused on something else. Duncan's office was now on the other side of a very thin wall, so his most recent angry phone calls with his girlfriend could be heard from Kim's office and probably a few more rooms down. She had usually entered his office, after being sure he had hung up, to comfort him; though she was usually shunned by him. His attitude towards anyone had dwindled since his arguments with his girlfriend had started - and everyone could tell. They'd all tried to comfort him in some way but he didn't want it. His girlfriend and him had been slipping from each other for sometime, she wanted to get married and have a family though Duncan couldn't tell if he wanted to be with her or not. Something he probably should've made up sooner though Kim wasn't in the picture before hand. Whether he'd say it or not, he felt for Kim, and in more ways than one. But he couldn't tell it was worth leaving his girlfriend for, as Kim may not feel anything close to what he was beginning to feel for her.

On one specific occasion, Kim had waltzed into his office after a session of recording to find Duncan even more stressed than ever. Prepared to walk away, Kim was shocked to see Duncan lift his head to her entrance. His blue eyes more glassy than usual and his face pale with the exception of dark bags under his eyes. "Another argument?" Kim asked softly, slowly approaching Duncan's slumped figure remaining at his desk. He nodded slowly, hugging her slightly when she was close enough to pull forward. She didn't protest, liking the warmth Duncan emitted. Hugging his head closer into her stomach, she began playing with his soft hair, hoping it was calming him down. She knew how heated their arguments had been recently and how upset it was making Duncan, though he never wanted any company afterwards, this seemed to be a particularly bad day for him. Pulling himself together, Duncan sat up straight, one single sniff as well as a rub of his eyes before he was in a different mood entirely. "Do you fancy a drink?" He asked abruptly, blue eyes yawning for Kim to agree. And though she usually preferred not to drink, on this occasion she did indeed agree. Duncan rose to his feet, reaching for his jacket that was sprawled across the back of his office chair - Kim too went to grab her jacket and phone from her room before joining Duncan on their way out of the building.

They sat rather close to one enough, knees colliding under the bar as they sat with their drinks in hand and talking. Duncan had appeared to become much more relaxed once they'd left, almost as if Kim were his antidote for stress. Whilst she was laughing, Duncan's eyes examined Kim's features, admiring them all as she was completely oblivious. After ceasing the laughter, Kim glanced down at her watch and paused, turning back to Duncan. "I should probably start heading home, it's getting late," She smiled, standing as he did too. "Thank you for a wonderful evening Duncan," She smiled wider, reaching up to plant a soft kiss on his cheek before exiting the bar. Though for Duncan there was something else he wanted. Following Kim out, he spotted her walking off into the dark streets of Bristol, something that wasn't safe for a woman to be doing alone. Duncan began to chase after her, causing her to jump slightly once he reached her side. "Let me walk you home," He suggested, and Kim, knowing full well it wasn't safe to be wondering around on her own, accepted his offer.

They walked back to her house making small conversation and telling odd jokes to keep each other entertained, though once Duncan could see Kim's house coming into view, he began to feel more upset; he didn't want that evening to end, let alone have to go home to his 'girlfriend'. So as Kim reached the doorstep, and began to unlock her front door, Duncan made a quick decision. Maybe it was the drinks he'd had influencing his choice or maybe it was just what he wanted to do. Whatever it was he was sure he would proceed with it. So as Kim's door opened enough for her to begin to enter her house, Duncan reached for her arm, twirling her around to face him. Thanks to her doorstep she was now tall enough to at least look into Duncan's eyes without tilting her head at all. Everything blurring in her eyes at once, Duncan didn't hesitate to lean forward, his lips crashing into hers. Something they'd both been waiting for for a long time. Kim took the first move, leading Duncan backwards with her into the house, Duncan slamming the door behind them and pressing Kim gently against the wall nearby. Though it didn't stop there ;)

A/N: Part Two coming soon

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